MsoPatternType Enumeration
Specifies the fill pattern used in a shape.
Name |
Value |
Description |
msoPattern10Percent |
2 |
10% of the foreground color. |
msoPattern20Percent |
3 |
20% of the foreground color. |
msoPattern25Percent |
4 |
25% of the foreground color. |
msoPattern30Percent |
5 |
30% of the foreground color. |
msoPattern40Percent |
6 |
40% of the foreground color. |
msoPattern50Percent |
7 |
50% of the foreground color. |
msoPattern5Percent |
1 |
5% of the foreground color. |
msoPattern60Percent |
8 |
60% of the foreground color. |
msoPattern70Percent |
9 |
70% of the foreground color. |
msoPattern75Percent |
10 |
75% of the foreground color. |
msoPattern80Percent |
11 |
80% of the foreground color. |
msoPattern90Percent |
12 |
90% of the foreground color. |
msoPatternCross |
51 |
Cross |
msoPatternDarkDownwardDiagonal |
15 |
Dark Downward Diagonal |
msoPatternDarkHorizontal |
13 |
Dark Horizontal |
msoPatternDarkUpwardDiagonal |
16 |
Dark Upward Diagonal |
msoPatternDarkVertical |
14 |
Dark Vertical |
msoPatternDashedDownwardDiagonal |
28 |
Dashed Downward Diagonal |
msoPatternDashedHorizontal |
32 |
Dashed Horizontal |
msoPatternDashedUpwardDiagonal |
27 |
Dashed Upward Diagonal |
msoPatternDashedVertical |
31 |
Dashed Vertical |
msoPatternDiagonalBrick |
40 |
Diagonal Brick |
msoPatternDiagonalCross |
54 |
Diagonal Cross |
msoPatternDivot |
46 |
Pattern Divot |
msoPatternDottedDiamond |
24 |
Dotted Diamond |
msoPatternDottedGrid |
45 |
Dotted Grid |
msoPatternDownwardDiagonal |
52 |
Downward Diagonal |
msoPatternHorizontal |
49 |
Horizontal |
msoPatternHorizontalBrick |
35 |
Horizontal Brick |
msoPatternLargeCheckerBoard |
36 |
Large Checker Board |
msoPatternLargeConfetti |
33 |
Large Confetti |
msoPatternLargeGrid |
34 |
Large Grid |
msoPatternLightDownwardDiagonal |
21 |
Light Downward Diagonal |
msoPatternLightHorizontal |
19 |
Light Horizontal |
msoPatternLightUpwardDiagonal |
22 |
Light Upward Diagonal |
msoPatternLightVertical |
20 |
Light Vertical |
msoPatternMixed |
-2 |
Mixed pattern |
msoPatternNarrowHorizontal |
30 |
Narrow Horizontal |
msoPatternNarrowVertical |
29 |
Narrow Vertical |
msoPatternOutlinedDiamond |
41 |
Outlined Diamond |
msoPatternPlaid |
42 |
Plaid |
msoPatternShingle |
47 |
Shingle |
msoPatternSmallCheckerBoard |
17 |
Small Checker Board |
msoPatternSmallConfetti |
37 |
Small Confetti |
msoPatternSmallGrid |
23 |
Small Grid |
msoPatternSolidDiamond |
39 |
Solid Diamond |
msoPatternSphere |
43 |
Sphere |
msoPatternTrellis |
18 |
Trellis |
msoPatternUpwardDiagonal |
53 |
Upward Diagonal |
msoPatternVertical |
50 |
Vertical |
msoPatternWave |
48 |
Wave |
msoPatternWeave |
44 |
Weave |
msoPatternWideDownwardDiagonal |
25 |
Wide Downward Diagonal |
msoPatternWideUpwardDiagonal |
26 |
Wide Upward Diagonal |
msoPatternZigZag |
38 |
Zig Zag |