PickerDialog.DataHandlerId Property (Office)
Sets or gets the GUID of the Picker Dialog data handler component. Read/write
Version Information
Version Added: Office 2010
expression .DataHandlerId
expression An expression that returns a PickerDialog object.
You must specify DataHandlerID before invoking the Picker Dialog.
The following code sets the Picker Dialog properties and then displays the Picker Dialog.
Dim objPickerDialog As PickerDialog
Dim objPickerProperties As PickerProperties
Dim objPickerProperty As PickerProperty
Dim objPickerExistingResults As PickerResults
Dim objPickerExistingResult As PickerResult
Dim objPickerResults As PickerResults
' Configure the Picker Dialog properties.
Set objPickerDialog = Application.PickerDialog
objPickerDialog.DataHandlerId = "{000CDF0A-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"
objPickerDialog.Title = "Sample Picker Dialog"
Set objPickerProperties = objPickerDialog.Properties
Set objPickerProperty = objPickerProperties.Add("SiteUrl", "http://my", msoPickerFieldtypeText)
Set objPickerExistingResults = objPickerDialog.CreatePickerResults
Set objPickerExistingResult = objPickerExistingResults.Add("johndoe@contoso.com", "John Doe", "User")
' Show the Picker Dialog and get the results.
Set objPickerResults = objPickerDialog.Show(True, objPickerExistingResult)