Partager via

ODSOFilter.Column Property (Office)

Gets or sets a String that represents the name of the field in the mail merge data source to use in the filter. Read/write.


expression .Column

expression A variable that represents an ODSOFilter object.


The following example changes an existing filter to remove from the mail merge all records that do not have a Region field equal to "WA".

Sub SetQueryCriterion() 
 Dim appOffice As Office.OfficeDataSourceObject 
 Dim intItem As Integer 
 Set appOffice = Application.OfficeDataSourceObject 
 appOffice.Open bstrConnect:="DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=ServerName;" & _ 
 "UID=user;PWD=;DATABASE=Northwind", bstrTable:="Employees" 
 With appOffice.Filters 
 For intItem = 1 To .Count 
 With .Item(intItem) 
 If .Column = "Region" Then 
 .Comparison = msoFilterComparisonNotEqual 
 .CompareTo = "WA" 
 If .Conjunction = "Or" Then .Conjunction = "And" 
 End If 
 End With 
 Next intItem 
 End With 
End Sub

See Also


ODSOFilter Object

TextFrame2 Object

ODSOFilter Object Members

TextFrame2 Object Members