CalculatedMember.FlattenHierarchies Property (Excel)
Returns or sets whether items from all levels of the hierarchy of the specified named set are displayed in the same field of a PivotTable report based on an OLAP cube. Read/write
Version Information
Version Added: Excel 2010
expression .FlattenHierarchies
expression A variable that represents a CalculatedMember object.
Return Value
True if items from all levels of the hierarchy of the named set are displayed in the same field; otherwise False.
The value of this property corresponds to the setting of the Display items from different levels in separate fields check box in the New/Modify Set dialog box when a named set is created or edited. To create a new named set from data in a PivotTable based on an OLAP data source, click the PivotTable, click Field, Items, & Sets on the PivotTable Tools Options tab on the ribbon, click Manage Sets, click New in the Set Manager dialog box, and then click Create Set using MDX. This will display the New Set dialog box, which contains the Display items from different levels in separate fields check box. Similarly, if you select an existing named set in the Set Manager dialog box, and then click Edit, the Modify Set dialog box is displayed.