SlicerCache.ShowAllItems Property (Excel)
Returns or sets whether slicers connected to the specified slicer cache display items that have been deleted from in the corresponding PivotCache. Read/write
Version Information
Version Added: Excel 2010
expression .ShowAllItems
expression A variable that represents a SlicerCache object.
Return Value
When the ShowAllItems property is set to True (the default), items that have been deleted from the source data are displayed in the slicers connected to the specified slicer cache. The ShowAllItems property corresponds to the setting of the Show items deleted from the data source check box in the Slicer Settings dialog box.
The ShowAllItems property applies only to slicers that are based on workbook ranges or lists (SlicerCache.SourceType = xlDatabase), or to slicers that are based on relational data sources (SlicerCache.SourceType = xlExternal and SlicerCache.OLAP = False). Attempting to set the ShowAllItems property for slicers that are connected to PivotTables based on external OLAP data sources (SlicerCache.OLAP = True) generates a run-time error.