WebOptions.ScreenSize Property (PowerPoint)
Returns or sets the ideal minimum screen size (width by height, in pixels) that you should use when viewing the saved presentation in a Web browser. Read/write.
expression .ScreenSize
expression A variable that represents a WebOptions object.
Return Value
The value of the ScreenSize property can be one of these MsoScreenSize constants. The default is msoScreenSize800x600.
msoScreenSize1024x768 |
msoScreenSize1152x882 |
msoScreenSize1152x900 |
msoScreenSize1280x1024 |
msoScreenSize1600x1200 |
msoScreenSize1800x1440 |
msoScreenSize1920x1200 |
msoScreenSize544x376 |
msoScreenSize640x480 |
msoScreenSize720x512 |
msoScreenSize800x600 |
This example sets the target screen size to 640x480 pixels.
Presentations(2).WebOptions.ScreenSize = msoScreenSize640x480