EffectParameters.Color2 Property (PowerPoint)
Returns a ColorFormat object that represents the color on which to end a color-cycle animation.
expression .Color2
expression A variable that represents an EffectParameters object.
Return Value
The following example adds a shape, adds a fill animation to that shape, then reports the starting and ending fill colors.
Sub SetStartEndColors()
Dim effChangeFill As Effect
Dim shpCube As Shape
Dim a As AnimationBehavior
'Adds cube and set fill effect
Set shpCube = ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes _
.AddShape(Type:=msoShapeCube, Left:=300, _
Top:=300, Width:=100, Height:=100)
Set effChangeFill = ActivePresentation.Slides(1).TimeLine _
.MainSequence.AddEffect(Shape:=shpCube, _
'Sets duration of effect and displays a message containing
'the starting and ending colors for the fill effect
effChangeFill.Timing.Duration = 3
MsgBox "Start Color = " & effChangeFill.EffectParameters _
.Color1 & vbCrLf & "End Color = " & effChangeFill _
End Sub