Pane.ViewType Property (PowerPoint)
Returns the type of view for the specified pane. Read-only.
expression .ViewType
expression A variable that represents a Pane object.
Return Value
The value of the ViewType property can be one of these PpViewType constants.
ppViewHandoutMaster |
ppViewMasterThumbnails |
ppViewNormal |
ppViewNotesMaster |
ppViewNotesPage |
ppViewOutline |
ppViewPrintPreview |
ppViewSlide |
ppViewSlideMaster |
ppViewSlideSorter |
ppViewThumbnails |
ppViewTitleMaster |
If the view in the active pane is slide view, this example makes the notes pane the active pane. The notes pane is the third member of the Panes collection.
With ActiveWindow
If .ActivePane.ViewType = ppViewSlide Then
End If
End With