SlideRange.Layout Property (PowerPoint)
Returns or sets a PpSlideLayout constant that represents the slide layout. Read/write.
expression .Layout
expression A variable that represents a SlideRange object.
The value of the Layout property can be one of these PpSlideLayout constants.
ppLayoutBlank |
ppLayoutChart |
ppLayoutChartAndText |
ppLayoutClipartAndText |
ppLayoutClipArtAndVerticalText |
ppLayoutFourObjects |
ppLayoutLargeObject |
ppLayoutMediaClipAndText |
ppLayoutMixed |
ppLayoutObject |
ppLayoutObjectAndText |
ppLayoutObjectOverText |
ppLayoutOrgchart |
ppLayoutTable |
ppLayoutText |
ppLayoutTextAndChart |
ppLayoutTextAndClipart |
ppLayoutTextAndMediaClip |
ppLayoutTextAndObject |
ppLayoutTextAndTwoObjects |
ppLayoutTextOverObject |
ppLayoutTitle |
ppLayoutTitleOnly |
ppLayoutTwoColumnText |
ppLayoutTwoObjectsAndText |
ppLayoutTwoObjectsOverText |
ppLayoutVerticalText |
ppLayoutVerticalTitleAndText |
ppLayoutVerticalTitleAndTextOverChart |