RGBColor.RGB Property (PowerPoint)
Returns or sets the red-green-blue (RGB) value of a specified color-scheme color or extra color when used with a PpColorSchemeIndex constant. Read/write.
expression .RGB
expression A variable that represents a RGBColor object.
Return Value
Use the Colors method to return a RGBColor object.
The value of the RGB property can be one of these PpColorSchemeIndex constants.
ppAccent1 |
ppAccent2 |
ppAccent3 |
ppBackground |
ppFill |
ppForeground |
ppShadow |
ppTitle |
This example displays the value of the red, green, and blue components of the fill forecolor for shape one on slide one in the active document.
Set myDocument = ActivePresentation.Slides(1)
c = myDocument.Shapes(1).Fill.ForeColor.RGB
redComponent = c Mod 256
greenComponent = c \ 256 Mod 256
blueComponent = c \ 65536 Mod 256
MsgBox "RGB components: " & redComponent & _
", " & greenComponent & ", " & blueComponent