Partager via

IconSet Interface

Represents a single set of icons that are used in an icon set conditional formatting rule.

Namespace:  Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel
Assembly:  Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel (in Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.dll)


<GuidAttribute("0002449B-0000-0000-C000-000000000046")> _
<InterfaceTypeAttribute()> _
Public Interface IconSet _
    Inherits IEnumerable
Dim instance As IconSet
public interface IconSet : IEnumerable


The IconSet object is a child object of the IconSets collection.

The icon set for the conditional format is assigned by using the IconSet property of the IconSetCondition object. You set this property to one of the built-in icon sets by passing one of the constants of the XlIconSet enumeration as an index of the IconSets property of the _Workbook object. See the example for details.


The following code example creates a range of numbers representing test scores and then applies an icon set conditional formatting rule to that range. The type of icon set is then changed from the default icons to a 5-arrow icon set. Finally, the threshold type is modified from percentile to a hard-coded number.

Sub CreateIconSetCF()  
































































































































    Dim cfIconSet As IconSetCondition  
































































































































    'Fill cells with sample data from 1 to 10  
































































    With ActiveSheet  
































































        .Range("C1") = 55  
































































        .Range("C2") = 92  
































































        .Range("C3") = 88  
































































        .Range("C4") = 77  
































































        .Range("C5") = 66  
































































        .Range("C6") = 93  
































































        .Range("C7") = 76  
































































        .Range("C8") = 80  
































































        .Range("C9") = 79  
































































        .Range("C10") = 83  
































































        .Range("C11") = 66  
































































        .Range("C12") = 74  
































































    End With  
































































































































































































































































    'Create an icon set conditional format for the created sample data range  
































































    Set cfIconSet = Selection.FormatConditions.AddIconSetCondition  
































































































































    'Change the icon set to a 5-arrow icon set  
































































    cfIconSet.IconSet = ActiveWorkbook.IconSets(xl5Arrows)  
































































































































    'The IconCriterion collection contains all of IconCriteria  
































































    'By indexing into the collection you can modify each criteria  
































































































































    With cfIconSet.IconCriteria(1)  
































































        .Type = xlConditionValueNumber  
































































        .Value = 0  
































































        .Operator = 7  
































































    End With  
































































    With cfIconSet.IconCriteria(2)  
































































        .Type = xlConditionValueNumber  
































































        .Value = 60  
































































        .Operator = 7  
































































    End With  
































































    With cfIconSet.IconCriteria(3)  
































































        .Type = xlConditionValueNumber  
































































        .Value = 70  
































































        .Operator = 7  
































































    End With  
































































    With cfIconSet.IconCriteria(4)  
































































        .Type = xlConditionValueNumber  
































































        .Value = 80  
































































        .Operator = 7  
































































    End With  
































































    With cfIconSet.IconCriteria(5)  
































































        .Type = xlConditionValueNumber  
































































        .Value = 90  
































































        .Operator = 7  
































































    End With  
































































































































End Sub

See Also


IconSet Members

Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel Namespace