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BulletFormat2 Members

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Represents bullet formatting.

The BulletFormat2 type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property Application (Inherited from _IMsoDispObj.)
Public property Application Gets an object that represents the BulletFormat2 object. Read-only.
Public property Character Gets or sets the Unicode character value that is used for bullets in the specified text. Read/write.
Public property Creator (Inherited from _IMsoDispObj.)
Public property Creator Gets a 32-bit integer that indicates the application in which the BulletFormat2 object was created. Read-only.
Public property Font Gets the font that represents the formatting for a BulletFormat2 object. Read-only.
Public property Number Gets the bullet number of a paragraph. Read-only.
Public property Parent Gets the parent of the BulletFormat2 object. Read-only.
Public property RelativeSize Returns or sets the bullet size relative to the size of the first text character in the paragraph. Read/write.
Public property StartValue Gets or sets the beginning value of a bulleted list. Read/write.
Public property Style Returns or sets a constant that represents the style of a bullet. Read/write.
Public property Type Gets or sets a constant that represents the type of bullet. Read/write.
Public property UseTextColor Determines whether the specified bullets are set to the color of the first text character in the paragraph. Read/write.
Public property UseTextFont Determines whether the specified bullets are set to the font of the first text character in the paragraph. Read/write.
Public property Visible Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the bullet is visible. Read/write.



  Name Description
Public method Picture Sets the graphics file to be used for bullets in a bulleted list.


See Also


BulletFormat2 Interface

Microsoft.Office.Core Namespace