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SmartArtNode Members

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A single semantic node within the data model of a SmartArt graphic.

The SmartArtNode type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property Application (Inherited from _IMsoDispObj.)
Public property Application Gets an Application object that represents the container application for the SmartArtNode object.
Public property Creator (Inherited from _IMsoDispObj.)
Public property Creator Gets a 32-bit integer that indicates the application in which the SmartArtNode object was created.
Public property Hidden Returns true if this node is a hidden node in the data model.
Public property Level Returns the node’s level in the hierarchy.
Public property Nodes Returns the child nodes associated with this SmartArt Node.
Public property OrgChartLayout Returns or sets the MsoOrgChartLayoutType associated with this node if there is one.
Public property Parent Gets the calling object.
Public property ParentNode Returns the parent SmartArtNode of this SmartArtNode.
Public property Shapes Returns the shape range associated with this SmartArtNode object.
Public property TextFrame2 Returns the text associated with the SmartArtNode object.
Public property Type Returns the type of SmartArt node.



  Name Description
Public method AddNode Adds a new SmartArt node to the data model in the way specified by the Position value, and Type.
Public method Delete Removes the current SmartArt node.
Public method Demote Demotes the current node a single level within the data model.
Public method Larger Increases the size of the SmartArt. Mimics the behavior of the Larger button on the Microsoft Office Fluent Ribbon Format tab for SmartArt.
Public method Promote Promotes the current node (and all its children) a single level within the data model.
Public method ReorderDown Swaps a node with the next node in the bulleted list. This method reorders the node’s entire family.
Public method ReorderUp Swaps a node with the previous node in the bulleted list. This method reorders the node’s entire family.
Public method Smaller Decreases the size of the SmartArt. Mimics the behavior of the Smaller button on the Microsoft Office Fluent Ribbon UI Format tab for SmartArt.


See Also


SmartArtNode Interface

Microsoft.Office.Core Namespace