Document.StoryRanges Property (Word)
Returns a StoryRanges collection that represents all the stories in the specified document. Read-only.
expression .StoryRanges
expression A variable that represents a Document object.
For information about returning a single member of a collection, see Returning an Object from a Collection.
This example steps through the StoryRanges collection to determine whether wdPrimaryFooterStory is part of the StoryRanges collection.
For Each aStory In ActiveDocument.StoryRanges
If aStory.StoryType = wdEvenPagesFooterStory Then
MsgBox "Document includes an even page footer"
End If
Next aStory
This example adds text to the primary header story and then displays the text.
ActiveDocument.Sections(1).Headers(wdHeaderFooterPrimary).Range _
.Text = "Header text"
MsgBox ActiveDocument.StoryRanges(wdPrimaryHeaderStory).Text