SolverGet Function
Returns information about current settings for Solver. The settings are specified in the Solver Parameters and Solver Options dialog boxes.
The Solver add-in is not enabled by default. Before you can use this function, you must have the Solver add-in enabled and installed. For information about how to do that, see Using the Solver VBA Functions. After the Solver add-in is installed, you must establish a reference to the Solver add-in. In the Visual Basic Editor, with a module active, click References on the Tools menu, and then select Solver under Available References. If Solver does not appear under Available References, click Browse, and then open Solver.xlam in the \Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\Library\SOLVER subfolder.
SolverGet(TypeNum, SheetName)
TypeNum Required Integer. A number specifying the type of information you want. The following settings are specified in the Solver Parameters dialog box.
TypeNum |
Returns |
1 |
The reference in the Set Target Cell box, or the #N/A error value if Solver has not been used on the active sheet. |
2 |
A number corresponding to the Equal To option: 1 represents Max, 2 represents Min, and 3 represents Value Of. |
3 |
The value in the Value Of box. |
4 |
The reference (as a multiple reference, if necessary) in the By Changing Cells box. |
5 |
The number of constraints. |
6 |
An array of the left sides of the constraints, in text form. |
7 |
An array of numbers corresponding to the relationships between the left and right sides of the constraints: 1 represents <=, 2 represents =, 3 represents >=, 4 represents int, and 5 represents bin. |
8 |
An array of the right sides of the constraints, in text form. |
13 |
True if the Simple LP Solving method is selected; False if another Solving method is selected. |
20 |
True if the Make Unconstrained Variables Non-Negative check box is selected; False if it is cleared. |
The following settings are specified in the Solver Options dialog box.
TypeNum |
Returns |
9 |
The Max Time (Seconds) option (All Methods tab). |
10 |
The Iterations option (All Methods tab). |
11 |
The Constraint Precision option (All Methods tab). |
12 |
The Integer Optimality (%) option (All Methods tab). |
14 |
True if the Show Iteration Results check box is selected; False if it is cleared. |
15 |
True if the Use Automatic Scaling check box is selected; False if it is cleared (All Methods tab). |
16 |
A number corresponding to the type of estimates: 1 represents Tangent, and 2 represents Quadratic. |
17 |
A number corresponding to the Derivatives option in the GRG Nonlinear tab: 1 represents Forward, and 2 represents Central (GRG Nonlinear tab). |
18 |
A number corresponding to the type of search: 1 represents Newton, and 2 represents Conjugate. |
19 |
The Convergence tolerance (GRG Nonlinear tab and Evolutionary tab). |
21 |
The Population Size option (GRG Nonlinear tab and Evolutionary tab). |
22 |
The Random Seed option(GRG Nonlinear tab and Evolutionary tab). |
23 |
True if the Use Multistart check box is selected; False if it is cleared (GRG Nonlinear tab). |
24 |
True if the Require Bounds on Variables check box is selected; False if it is cleared (GRG Nonlinear tab and Evolutionary tab). |
25 |
The Mutation Rate option (Evolutionary tab). |
26 |
The Max Subproblems option (All Methods tab). |
27 |
The Max Feasible Solutions option (All Methods tab). |
28 |
The Ignore Integer Constraints option (All Methods tab). |
29 |
The Maximum Time without Improvement option (Evolutionary tab). |
SheetName Optional Variant. The name of the sheet that contains the Solver model for which you want information. If SheetName is omitted, this sheet is assumed to be the active sheet.
This example displays a message if you have not used Solver on Sheet1.
state = SolverGet(TypeNum:=1)
If IsError(State) Then
MsgBox "You have not used Solver on the active sheet"
End If