Document.DoNotEmbedSystemFonts Property (Word)
True for Microsoft Word to not embed common system fonts. Read/write Boolean.
expression .DoNotEmbedSystemFonts
expression An expression that returns a Document object.
Setting the Document property to False is useful if the user is on an East Asian system and wants to create a document that is readable by others who do not have fonts for that language on their system. For example, a user on a Japanese system could choose to embed the fonts in a document so that the Japanese document would be readable on all systems.
This example embeds all fonts in the current document.
Sub EmbedFonts()
With ActiveDocument
If .EmbedTrueTypeFonts = False Then
.EmbedTrueTypeFonts = True
.DoNotEmbedSystemFonts = False
.DoNotEmbedSystemFonts = False
End If
End With
End Sub