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Document.XMLBeforeDelete Event (Word)

Occurs when a user deletes an XML element from a document. If more than one element is deleted from the document at the same time (for example, when cutting and pasting XML), the event fires for each element that is deleted.


Private Sub expression _XMLBeforeDelete(DeletedRange, OldXMLNode, InUndoRedo)

expression A variable that represents a Document object that has been declared by using the WithEvents keyword in a class module. For information about using events with a Document object, see Using Events with the Document Object.




Data Type





The contents of the XML element being deleted. If only an element is deleted and not associated text, the DeletedRange parameter will not exist and will, therefore, be set to Nothing.




The node that is being deleted.




True indicates the action was performed using the Undo or Redo feature in Microsoft Word.


If the InUndoRedo parameter is True, never change the XML in a document while the XMLAfterInsert and XMLBeforeDelete events are running.

If the InUndoRedo parameter is False, you can insert and delete the XML in the document—but be careful that the XMLAfterInsert and XMLBeforeDelete events will not try to cancel each other out, causing an infinite loop. You can prevent infinite loops by using a global Boolean variable and check for that at the beginning of the error handler, as shown in the following example.

Dim blnIsXMLDeleteRunning As Boolean 
Private Sub Document_XMLBeforeDelete(ByVal DeletedRange As Range, _ 
 ByVal OldXMLNode As XMLNode, ByVal InUndoRedo As Boolean) 
 If blnIsXMLDeleteRunning = False Then 
 blnIsXMLDeleteRunning = True 
 'Insert your event code here. 
 Exit Sub 
 End If 
End Sub


The following example runs when an XML element is deleted. If the element contains text, a message is displayed asking whether the user wants to delete the text the element contains. If the user reponds by clicking No, the contents of the element are copied to the Clipboard.

Private Sub Document_XMLBeforeDelete(ByVal DeletedRange As Range, _ 
 ByVal OldXMLNode As XMLNode, ByVal InUndoRedo As Boolean) 
 Dim intResponse As Integer 
 If InUndoRedo = False Then 
 If Not DeletedRange Is Nothing Then 
 intResponse = MsgBox("Are you sure you want to delete the text " _ 
 & vbCrLf & DeletedRange.Text, vbYesNo) 
 If intResponse = vbNo Then 
 MsgBox "The text has been copied to the Clipboard." & vbCrLf & _ 
 "Position your cursor where you want to insert it, " & _ 
 vbCrLf & " and click Paste on the Edit menu." 
 End If 
 End If 
 End If 
End Sub

See Also


Document Object

Document Object Members