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Applies to: Office 2010 | Outlook 2010 | Visual Studio

Copies or moves one or more properties of an object to another object.

HRESULT DoCopyProps(
  LPCIID lpSrcInterface,
  LPVOID lpSrcObj,
  LPSPropTagArray lpIncludeProps,
  ULONG_PTR ulUIParam,
  LPCIID lpDestInterface,
  LPVOID lpDestObj,
  ULONG ulFlags,
  LPSPropProblemArray FAR * lppProblems


  • lpSrcInterface
    [in] A pointer to the interface identifier (IID) that represents the interface to be used to access the object with the properties to be copied or moved.

  • lpSrcObj
    [in] A pointer to the object that contains the properties to be copied or moved.

  • lpIncludeProps
    [in] A pointer to an SPropTagArray structure that contains a counted array of property tags that indicate the properties to copy or move. The lpIncludeProps parameter cannot be NULL.

  • ulUIParam
    [in] A handle to the parent window of the progress indicator.

  • lpProgress
    [in] A pointer to an implementation of a progress indicator. If NULL is passed in the lpProgress parameter, the progress indicator is displayed by using the MAPI implementation. The lpProgress parameter is ignored unless the MAPI_DIALOG flag is set in the ulFlags parameter.

  • lpDestInterface
    [in] A pointer to the interface identifier that represents the interface to be used to access the object to receive the properties that are copied or moved.

  • lpDestObj
    [in] A pointer to the object to receive the copied or moved properties.

  • ulFlags
    [in] A bitmask of flags that controls how the copy or move operation is performed. The following flags can be set:

      Displays a progress indicator.

      DoCopyProps should perform a move operation instead of a copy operation. When this flag is not set, DoCopyProps performs a copy operation.

      Existing properties in the destination object should not be overwritten. When this flag is not set, DoCopyProps overwrites existing properties.

  • lppProblems
    [in, out] On input, a pointer to a pointer to an SPropProblemArray structure; otherwise, NULL, which indicates no need for error information. If lppProblems is a valid pointer on input, DoCopyProps returns detailed information about errors in copying one or more properties.

Return Value

  • S_OK
    Properties were successfully copied or moved.

    A property to be copied or moved already exists in the destination object and the MAPI_NOREPLACE flag is set.

    The source object directly or indirectly contains the destination object. Significant work might have been performed before this condition was discovered, so the source and destination objects might be partially modified.

    The interface identified by the lpSrcInterface parameter is not supported by the source object, or the interface identified by the lpDestInterface parameter is not supported by the destination object.

    An attempt was made to access an object for which the caller has insufficient permissions. This error is returned if the destination object is the same as the source object.

The following values can be returned in the SPropProblemArray structure, but not as return values for DoCopyProps. These errors apply to a single property.

    Either the MAPI_UNICODE flag was set and DoCopyProps does not support Unicode, or MAPI_UNICODE was not set and DoCopyProps supports only Unicode.

    The property cannot be modified by the caller because it is a read-only property, computed by the owner of the destination object. This error is not severe; the caller should allow the copy operation to continue.

    The property type is invalid.

    The property type is not the type that the caller expects.


The IMAPISupport::DoCopyProps method is implemented for message store provider support objects. Message store providers can call DoCopyProps to implement the IMAPIProp::CopyProps method for their folders and messages. DoCopyProps copies or moves the properties that are identified in the property tag array pointed to by lpIncludeProps and that are present in the object pointed to by lpSrcObj.

Notes to Callers

When you copy properties between objects of the same type, such as two messages, the lpSrcInterface and lpDestInterface parameters must contain the same interface identifier, and the lpSrcObj and lpDestObj parameters must point to objects of the same type. If lpDestInterface is set to NULL, DoCopyProps returns MAPI_E_INVALID_PARAMETER. If you set lpDestInterface to an acceptable interface identifier, but set lpDestObj to an invalid pointer, the results are unpredictable. Most likely your provider will fail.

Set the MAPI_NOREPLACE flag if you do not want any of the properties in the destination object to be overwritten. Properties in the destination object that exist in the source object and are not overwritten are not deleted or modified.

To copy a message's recipient list, include the PR_MESSAGE_RECIPIENTS (PidTagMessageRecipients) property in the property tag array pointed to by the lpIncludeProps parameter. To copy the message's attachments, include the PR_MESSAGE_ATTACHMENTS (PidTagMessageAttachments) property.

To copy a folder or address book container's hierarchy or contents table, include PR_CONTAINER_HIERARCHY (PidTagContainerHierarchy) or PR_CONTAINER_CONTENTS (PidTagContainerContents) in the property tag array. To include a folder's associated contents table, include the PR_FOLDER_ASSOCIATED_CONTENTS (PidTagFolderAssociatedContents) property in the array.

If subfolders are copied or moved, their contents are copied or moved in their entirety, regardless of the use of properties indicated by the SPropTagArray structure.

DoCopyProps reports global errors that occur with the operation as a whole, and individual errors that occur with one or more of the properties. These individual errors are put in an SPropProblemArray structure. You can suppress error reporting at the property level by passing NULL, rather than a valid pointer, for the property problem array structure parameter.

If you want to receive information about errors, pass a valid SPropProblemArray structure pointer in the lppProblems parameter. When DoCopyProps returns S_OK, check for possible errors with individual properties in the structure. When DoCopyProps returns an error, no information is returned in the SPropProblemArray structure. Instead, call the IMAPISupport::GetLastError method to retrieve detailed error information.

If DoCopyProps returns S_OK, free the returned SPropProblemArray structure by calling the MAPIFreeBuffer function.

See Also






PidTagContainerContents Canonical Property

PidTagContainerHierarchy Canonical Property

PidTagFolderAssociatedContents Canonical Property

PidTagMessageAttachments Canonical Property

PidTagMessageRecipients Canonical Property



IMAPISupport : IUnknown