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_OlkTimeZoneControl Members

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This is a primary interface in a COM coclass that is required by managed code for interoperability with the corresponding COM object. Use this primary interface only when the method you want to use shares the same name as an event of the COM object; in this case, cast to this interface to call the method, and cast to the latest events interface to connect to the event. Otherwise, use the .NET interface that is derived from the COM coclass to access methods, properties, and events of the COM object. For information about the COM object, see OlkTimeZone.

The _OlkTimeZoneControl type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property AppointmentTimeField Returns or sets an OlAppointmentTimeField constant that specifies the time field on the appointment that the control binds against. Read/write.
Public property BorderStyle Returns or sets an OlBorderStyle constant that defines the style of the border around the control. Read/write.
Public property Enabled Returns or sets a Boolean (bool in C#) that indicates if the control is allowed to function. Read/write.
Public property Locked Returns or sets a Boolean (bool in C#) that specifies whether or not the control is locked from being changed. Read/write.
Public property MouseIcon Returns or sets a StdPicture that represents the custom picture to the mouse cursor for this control. Read/write.
Public property MousePointer Returns or sets an OlMousePointer constant that specifies the type of pointer displayed when the user positions the mouse over the control. Read/write.
Public property SelectedTimeZoneIndex Returns or sets an Integer (int in C#) that represents index into the _Application.TimeZones collection that determines the selected time zone. Read/write.
Public property Value Returns or sets an Object that represents the content of the control. Read/write.



  Name Description
Public method DropDown Expands the drop-down portion of the time zone control.


See Also


_OlkTimeZoneControl Interface

Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook Namespace