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_RuleActions Members

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Include Inherited Members

This is a primary interface in a COM coclass that is required by managed code for interoperability with the corresponding COM object. Use this primary interface only when the method you want to use shares the same name as an event of the COM object; in this case, cast to this interface to call the method, and cast to the latest events interface to connect to the event. Otherwise, use the .NET interface that is derived from the COM coclass to access methods, properties, and events of the COM object. For information about the COM object, see RuleActions.

The _RuleActions type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property Application Returns an Application object that represents the parent Outlook application for the object. Read-only.
Public property AssignToCategory Returns an AssignToCategoryRuleAction object with _AssignToCategoryRuleAction.ActionType being olRuleAssignToCategory. Read-only.
Public property CC Returns a SendRuleAction object with _SendRuleAction.ActionType being olRuleActionCcMessage. Read-only.
Public property Class Returns an OlObjectClass constant indicating the object's class. Read-only.
Public property ClearCategories Returns a RuleAction object with a _RuleAction.ActionType of olRuleActionClearCategories. Read-only.
Public property CopyToFolder Returns a MoveOrCopyRuleAction object with _MoveOrCopyRuleAction.ActionType being olRuleActionCopyToFolder. Read-only.
Public property Count Returns an Integer (int in C#) value indicating the count of objects in the specified collection. Read-only.
Public property Delete Returns a RuleAction object with _RuleAction.ActionType being olRuleActionDelete. Read-only.
Public property DeletePermanently Returns a RuleAction object with _RuleAction.ActionType being olRuleActionDeletePermanently. Read-only.
Public property DesktopAlert Returns a RuleAction object with _RuleAction.ActionType being olRuleActionDesktopAlert. Read-only.
Public property Forward Returns a SendRuleAction object with _SendRuleAction.ActionType being olRuleActionForward. Read-only.
Public property ForwardAsAttachment Returns a SendRuleAction object with _SendRuleAction.ActionType being olRuleActionForwardAsAttachment. Read-only.
Public property Item Obtains a RuleAction object specified by Index which is a numerical index into the RuleActions collection.
Public property MarkAsTask Returns a MarkAsTaskRuleAction object with _MarkAsTaskRuleAction.ActionType being olRuleActionMarkAsTask. Read-only.
Public property MoveToFolder Returns a MoveOrCopyRuleAction object with _MoveOrCopyRuleAction.ActionType being olRuleActionMoveToFolder. Read-only.
Public property NewItemAlert Returns a NewItemAlertRuleAction object with ActionType being olRuleActionNewItemAlert. Read-only.
Public property NotifyDelivery Returns a RuleAction object with _RuleAction.ActionType being olRuleActionNotifyDelivery. Read-only.
Public property NotifyRead Returns a RuleAction object with _RuleAction.ActionType being olRuleActionNotifyRead. Read-only.
Public property Parent Returns the parent Object of the specified object. Read-only.
Public property PlaySound Returns a PlaySoundRuleAction object with _PlaySoundRuleAction.ActionType being olRuleActionNotifyRead. Read-only.
Public property Redirect Returns a SendRuleAction object with _SendRuleAction.ActionType being olRuleActionRedirect. Read-only.
Public property Session Returns the NameSpace object for the current session. Read-only.
Public property Stop Returns a RuleAction object with _RuleAction.ActionType being olRuleActionStop. Read-only.



  Name Description
Public method GetEnumerator (Inherited from IEnumerable.)


See Also


_RuleActions Interface

Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook Namespace