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Document.Clean Method

Visio Automation Reference

Examines, reports, and repairs selected conditions in a document.

Version Information
 Version Added:  Visio 2002


expression.Clean(nTargets, nActions, nAlerts, nFixes, bStopOnError, bLogFileName, nReserved)

expression   A variable that represents a Document object.


Name Required/Optional Data Type Description
nTargets Optional Variant Indicates which parts of the document to examine. See Remarks for possible values.
nActions Optional Variant Indicates which conditions to detect. See Remarks for possible values.
nAlerts Optional Variant Indicates which detected conditions to report. See Remarks for possible values.
nFixes Optional Variant Indicates which detected conditions to fix. See Remarks for possible values.
bStopOnError Optional Variant Non-zero (True) to cause processing to stop if an error is encountered while attempting to fix a detected condition; zero (False) to allow processing to continue.
bLogFileName Optional Variant Reserved for future use.
nReserved Optional Variant Reserved for future use.

Return Value


Internal Microsoft Office Visio developers use the Clean method to validate and optimize the documents provided with Visio; third-party developers can use this method on their own documents.

It is suggested that developers use default values for nTargets, nActions, nAlerts, and nFixes, and make a backup copy of a document before it is cleaned.

You can identify document changes made by the Clean method by comparing saved VDX (XML) versions of the document, one version saved before the Clean method executes, and the other after.

The nTargets argument can be any combination of the values of the constants defined in VisDocCleanTargets in the Visio type library, and described in the following table.

Constant Value Description



Examine all objects (default for nTargets).



Examine foreground pages.



Examine background pages.



Examine masters.



Examine styles.



Examine document sheet.



Examine page sheet(s).

The nActions, nAlerts, and nFixes arguments can be any combination of the values of the constants defined in VisDocCleanActions in the Visio type library, and described in the following table.

Constant Value Description



Detect unnecessary local overrides.



Detect empty local rows and sections.



Detect non-default font settings.



Detect results that don't match formulas.



Detect missing subscriptions (cell dependencies).



Detect formulas that can be generated from the result.



Detect results that are almost zero and change them to zero.



Detect duplicate subscriptions (cell dependencies).



Detect invalid display list linkages.



Detect deleted fields.



Detect fields with missing or nonstandard formulas.



Detect fields with out-of-sync count and marker values. Change the position of escape characters to match character counts.



Detect formulas with #Ref() errors.



Perform all actions.



Default conditions to detect (default value of nActions).



Default conditions to report (default value of nAlerts).



Default conditions to fix (default value for nFixes).


The following procedure demonstrates one use of the Clean method. In this case, the line pattern of a rectangle is overridden with the same value as it originally inherited, which creates an unnecessary local override. The Clean method is then executed, which detects the condition and posts an alert allowing the user to choose whether to fix the condition or not.

  1. Create a new blank drawing.

  2. Use the Rectangle tool to draw a rectangle on the drawing page.

    If you view the shape in the ShapeSheet window, you can see that the color of the value ("1") in the LinePattern cell is black, indicating that the value is inherited.

  3. On the Format menu, click Line, and in the Line dialog box, reapply the same line pattern. This action creates a local value in the shape, or a local override.

    Now if you view the shape in the ShapeSheet window, you can see that the color of the value in the LinePattern cell is blue, indicating that the value is local.

  4. Insert the Clean_Example procedure shown below into your document's Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications project:

  5. Run the Clean_Example procedure (on the Tools menu, point to Macros, point to ThisDocument, and then click Clean_Example).

Visual Basic for Applications
    Public Sub Clean_Example()
        ActiveDocument.Clean, visDocCleanActLocalFormulas, _ 
           visDocCleanActLocalFormulas, visDocCleanActLocalFormulas
    End Sub  

Alerts appear on the drawing page asking whether you want to remove the unneeded local override. If you click Yes and then reopen the ShapeSheet window, you can see that the color of the value in the LinePattern cell is once again black, indicating that the inherited value has been restored.

See Also