Windows.OnKeystrokeMessageForAddon Event
Visio Automation Reference |
Occurs when Microsoft Office Visio receives a keystroke message from Microsoft Windows that is targeted at an add-on window or child of an add-on window.
Version Information
Version Added: Visio 2002
Private Sub expression_OnKeystrokeMessageForAddon(ByVal MSG As [IVMSGWRAP])
expression A variable that represents a Windows object.
Name | Required/Optional | Data Type | Description |
MSG | Required | [IVMSGWRAP] | The message that Visio receives. |
Returns True to indicate that the message was handled by the add-on. Otherwise, returns False.
The OnKeystrokeMessageForAddon event enables add-ons to intercept and process accelerator and keystroke messages directed at their own add-on windows and child windows of their add-on windows. Only add-on windows created using the Add method will source this event.
For this event to fire, the add-on window or one of its child windows must have keystroke focus and the Visio message loop must receive the keystroke message. This event does not fire if the message loop associated with an add-on is handling messages instead of Visio.
Visio fires the OnKeystrokeMessageForAddon event when it receives messages in the following range:
0x0100 |
0x0101 |
0x0102 |
0x0103 |
0x0104 |
0x0105 |
0x0106 |
0x0107 |
The MSGWrap object, passed to the event handler when the OnKeystrokeMessageForAddon event fires, wraps the Microsoft Windows MSG structure, which contains message data. See the MSGWrap object for more information, or refer to your Windows documentation.
If you're using Microsoft Visual Basic or Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), the syntax in this topic describes a common, efficient way to handle events.
If you want to create your own Event objects, use the Add or AddAdvise method. To create an Event object that runs an add-on, use the Add method as it applies to the EventList collection. To create an Event object that receives notification, use the AddAdvise method. To find an event code for the event you want to create, see Event codes.
See Also