expression A variable that represents a Window object.
Return Value
Type value constants for Window objects (the possible values that the Type property of a Window object returns) are declared by the Visio type library in VisWinTypes.
If a Window object is type visDrawing, use the SubType property to determine the type of drawing window represented by the object.
This Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) macro shows how to use the Type property to determine the type of a window.
Visual Basic for Applications
Public Sub Type_Example()
Dim vsoMaster As Visio.Master
Dim vsoShape As Visio.Shape
Dim vsoIconWindow As Visio.Window
Dim vsoShapeSheetWindow As Visio.Window
Dim vsoStencilWindow As Visio.Window
'Draw a shape.
Set vsoShape = ActivePage.DrawRectangle(1, 1, 2, 3)
'Open the document stencil window.
Set vsoStencilWindow = ThisDocument.OpenStencilWindow
'Open the ShapeSheet window of vsoShape.
Set vsoShapeSheetWindow = vsoShape.OpenSheetWindow
'Add a master to the document stencil and open its icon editing window.
Set vsoMaster = ThisDocument.Masters.Add
Set vsoIconWindow = vsoMaster.OpenIconWindow
'Use the Type property to verify each window's type.
'This will print 7, 3, and 4 in the Immediate window to indicate
'a docked, built-in stencil window; a ShapeSheet window; and an
'icon editing window, respectively.
Debug.Print vsoStencilWindow.Type
Debug.Print vsoShapeSheetWindow.Type
Debug.Print vsoIconWindow.Type