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Document.CustomMenusFile Property

Visio Automation Reference

Gets or sets the name of the file that defines custom menus and accelerators for an Application object or a Document object. Read/write.

Version Information
 Version Added:  Visio 4.0



expression   A variable that represents a Document object.

Return Value


If the object is not using custom menus, the CustomMenusFile property returns Nothing.


This Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) macro shows how to get the currently active UI for your document without replacing the application-level custom UI. It also saves any existing custom menus to a file and specifies that the current document use those menus. You must write additional code to add your custom UI items.

ms425938.vs_note(en-us,office.12).gif  Note
This macro uses the VBA keyword Kill to delete a file on disk. Use this keyword carefully, because you cannot undo a Kill command once it has been run, and you will not get a prior warning message.
Visual Basic for Applications
Sub CustomMenusFile_Example() 
Dim vsoUIObject As Visio.UIObject 
Dim strPath As String

'Check whether there are custom menus bound to the document.
If ThisDocument.CustomMenus Is Nothing Then

    'If not, check whether there are custom menus bound to the application.
    If Visio.Application.CustomMenus Is Nothing Then

        'If not, use the Visio built-in menus.
        Set vsoUIObject = Visio.Application.BuiltInMenus 
        MsgBox "Using Built-In Menus", 0 


        'If there are existing Visio custom menus, use them.
        Set vsoUIObject = Visio.Application.CustomMenus 

        'Save these custom menus to a file. 
        strPath = Visio.Application.Path & "\CustomUI.vsu" 
        vsoUIObject.SaveToFile (strPath) 

        'Set the document to use the existing custom UI. 
        ThisDocument.CustomMenusFile = strPath

        'Get this document's UIObject object.
        Set vsoUIObject = ThisDocument.CustomMenus 

        'Delete the newly created temp file. 
        Kill Visio.Application.Path & "\CustomUI.vsu" 
        MsgBox "Using Custom Menus", 0 

    End If  


    'Use the existing custom menus.
    Set vsoUIObject = ThisDocument.CustomMenus

End If  

End Sub

See Also