VisAutoConnectDir |
Auto-connect direction constants passed to the Shape.AutoConnect method. |
VisAutoLinkBehaviors |
Linking behavior constants passed to the Selection.AutomaticLink method. |
VisAutoLinkFieldTypes |
Constants passed to the Selection.AutomaticLink method, specifying the shape data (custom property) field to which to link shapes. |
VisDataColumnProperties |
Data-column-property constants passed to the DataColumn.SetProperty and DataColumns.SetColumnProperties methods and returned by the DataColumn.GetProperty method. |
VisDataRecordsetAddOptions |
Constants passed to the DataRecordsets.Add method, specifying characteristics of the data recordset to be added. |
VisDocExIntent |
Export intent constants passed to the Document.ExportAsFixedFormat method. |
VisFilterActions |
Drag-state extensions of the MouseMove event to filter, corresponding to user mouse actions related to dragging and dropping Visio objects. Passed to the Event.SetFilterActions method and returned by the Event.GetFilterActions method. By filtering, you can specify which mouse actions (event extensions) you want to listen to. |
VisFixedFormatTypes |
File format types passed to the Document.ExportAsFixedFormat method. |
VisGraphicField |
Graphic item primary-data-field constants passed to the GraphicItem.SetExpression method and returned by the GraphicItem.GetExpression method. |
VisGraphicItemTypes |
Represent the types of graphic items that can be added to data graphics. Returned by the GraphicItem.Type property. |
VisGraphicPositionHorizontal |
Constants passed to and returned by the GraphicItem.HorizontalPosition property. Used to determine the horizontal position of a graphic item relative to its container or to a shape. |
VisGraphicPositionVertical |
Constants passed to and returned by the GraphicItem.VerticalPosition property. Used to determine the vertical position of a graphic item relative to its container or to a shape. |
VisLinkReplaceBehavior |
Link replacement behavior constants passed to and returned by the DataRecordset.LinkReplaceBehavior property. |
VisMasterTypes |
Master-type constants passed to the Masters.AddEx method. |
VisMouseMoveDragStates |
Constants returned by the MouseEvent.DragState property. |
VisPrimaryKeySettings |
Primary key settings constants passed to the DataRecordset.SetPrimaryKey method and returned by the DataRecordset.GetPrimaryKey method. |
VisRefreshSettings |
Data recordset refresh constants passed to and returned by the DataRecordset.RefreshSettings property. |
VisRemoveHiddenInfoItems |
Document information constants passed to the Document.RemoveHiddenInformation method. |
VisThemeColors |
Theme colors constants passed to and returned by the Page.ThemeColors property. Thumbnails of theme colors are displayed in the Theme - Colors task pane in the Microsoft Office Visio user interface. Pause your mouse over a thumbnail to see the name of the theme color. |
VisThemeEffects |
Theme effects constants passed to and returned by the Page.ThemeEffects property. Thumbnails of theme effects are displayed in the Theme - Effects task pane in the Microsoft Office Visio user interface. Pause your mouse over a thumbnail to see the name of the theme effect. |
VisThemeTypes |
Theme types passed to the Document.GetThemeNames and Document.GetThemeNamesU methods. |