Shape Object
Visio Automation Reference |
Represents anything you can select in a drawing window: a basic shape, a group, a guide, or an object from another application embedded or linked in Microsoft Office Visio.
Version Information
Version Added: Visio 2.0
The default property of a Shape object is Name.
You can retrieve a particular Shape object from the Shapes collection of the following objects:
- Page object
- Master object
- Shape object that represents a group
To retrieve Cell objects and Connect objects, use the Cells and Connects properties of a Shape object, respectively.
Note |
The PageSheet property of a Page object and Master object returns a Shape object whose Type property returns visTypePage. It has cells that specify properties such as drawing size and drawing scale. The DocumentSheet property of a Document object also returns a Shape object whose Type property returns visTypeDoc. It has cells that specify properties of the document. |
See Also