Hyperlink.SubAddress Property
Visio Automation Reference |
Gets or sets the subaddress in a shape's Hyperlink object. Read/write.
Version Information
Version Added: Visio 5.0
expression A variable that represents a Hyperlink object.
Return Value
Setting the SubAddress property of a shape's Hyperlink object is optional unless the Address property is blank. In this case the SubAddress must contain the name of the drawing page.
Setting a hyperlink's SubAddress property is equivalent to entering information in the Sub-address box in the Hyperlinks dialog box (Insert menu). This is also equivalent to setting the result of the SubAddress cell in the shape's Hyperlink.name row in the ShapeSheet window.
The SubAddress property for a Hyperlink object specifies a sublocation within the hyperlink's address. For Microsoft Office Visio files, this can be a page name. For Microsoft Office Excel, this can be a worksheet or a range within a worksheet. For HTML pages, this can be a subanchor.
The hyperlink address for which a subaddress is being supplied must support subaddress linking.
The following example shows how to use the SubAddress property to set the subaddress of a hyperlink. Before running this macro, replace drive\ folder\subfolder with a valid path on your computer, replace address with a valid Internet or intranet address, replace subaddress with a valid subaddress for the Internet or intranet address, replace drawing.vsd with a valid file on your computer, and replace anchor with a valid page and shape in the file.
Visual Basic for Applications |
See Also