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Document.PrintOut Method

Visio Automation Reference

Prints the contents of the active document and provides various printing options. .

Version Information
 Version Added:  Visio 2003


expression.PrintOut(PrintRange, FromPage, ToPage, ScaleCurrentViewToPaper, PrinterName, PrintToFile, OutputFileName, Copies, Collate, ColorAsBlack)

expression   A variable that represents a Document object.


Name Required/Optional Data Type Description
PrintRange Required VisPrintOutRange The range of document pages to be printed. See Remarks for possible values.
FromPage Optional Long If PrintRange is visPrintFromTo , the first page in the range to be printed. The default is 1, which indicates the first page of the drawing.
ToPage Optional Long If PrintRange is visPrintFromTo , the last page in the range to be printed. The default is -1, which indicates the last page of the drawing.
ScaleCurrentViewToPaper Optional Boolean If PrintRange is visPrintCurrentView, True to scale the part of the drawing that fits in the program window to fit on the current default paper size; False to print on as many printer pages as necessary. The default is False.
PrinterName Optional String The name of the printer to use. The default is the printer currently selected in Visio.
PrintToFile Optional Boolean True to send the information for printing to a file on a disk, rather than to the printer; False to print to the printer. The default is False. If you specify True for PrintToFile but do not pass a valid value for OutputFileName, the drawing is sent to the active printer.
OutputFileName Optional String If PrintToFile is True, the name and path of the .prn file to which to print, enclosed in quotation marks.
Copies Optional Long The number of copies to be printed. The default is one copy.
Collate Optional Boolean True to collate copies. False to not collate. The default is False.
ColorAsBlack Optional Boolean True to print all colors as black to ensure that all shapes are visible in the printed drawing. This is useful if a monochrome printer translates very light colors in a drawing to white rather than a shade of gray. False to print colors normally. The default is False.

Return Value


Calling the PrintOut method is the equivalent of clicking Print on the File menu, selecting print options in the Print dialog box, and then clicking OK.

Possible values for PrintRange are shown in the following table and declared in VisPrintOutRange in the Visio type library.

Constant Value Description



Prints all foreground pages.



Prints the active page.



Prints the current view area.



Prints pages between the FromPage value and the ToPage value.



Prints a selection.


This Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) macro shows how to use the PrintOut method to print two copies of the current page to the active printer.

Visual Basic for Applications
  Public Sub PrintOut_Example()
'Print two copies of the current page to the default printer
ThisDocument.PrintOut visPrintCurrentPage, , , , , , , 2

End Sub

See Also