Hyperlink.AddToFavorites Method
Visio Automation Reference |
Adds a shortcut for a hyperlink address in the presently registered Favorites folder.
Version Information
Version Added: Visio 5.0
expression A variable that represents a Hyperlink object.
Name | Required/Optional | Data Type | Description |
FavoritesTitle | Optional | Variant | The title to assign to the new shortcut. |
Return Value
If a string is not supplied, the AddToFavorites method uses the hyperlink's Description property as the new favorite's title. If the Description property is empty, the shortcut is given a generic title, such as Favorite1.
The optional favoritesTitle argument can specify the full path for the favorites file, for example, "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Favorites\My Favorite.URL", or a path relative to the Favorites folder.
From Microsoft Visual Basic or Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), a call to the AddToFavorites method can take either of these two forms:
Visual Basic for Applications |
From C/C++, if a string is supplied, pass a Variant of type VT_BSTR. The application assigns the string as the title of the shortcut. If a string is not supplied, pass a Variant of type VT_EMPTY, or of type VT_ERROR and HRESULT DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND.
The following macro shows how to add a hyperlink to a shape and assign a description and address to the hyperlink. Then it shows four ways to use the AddToFavorites method to add the hyperlink to the Favorites folder.
Before running this macro, replace address with a valid Internet or intranet address, and replace path with a valid path and folder name, including the drive letter, if necessary, on your computer.
Visual Basic for Applications |
See Also