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Sets the MVI_FLAG for a specified property.

Header file:


Related structure:


MVI_PROP (tag)


  • tag
    The property tag to be modified.


The MVI_FLAG combines the setting of MV_FLAG, identifying a property as multi-valued, and MV_INSTANCE, requesting that a multi-valued property be displayed in a table in multiple rows. The property type of the affected property is modified, but the identifier remains unchanged.

For example, when the MVI_PROP macro is applied to a property of type PT_FLOAT, its type is changed to PT_MV_FLOAT. When included in a table, multiple rows are used to represent the property that has one row for each value. The properties for the other columns are repeated.

For more information about these flags, see MAPI Property Type Overview and Working with Multivalued Columns.

See Also




Macros Related to Structures