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The MAPICrashRecovery function checks the state of the Personal Folders file (PST) or Offline Folders file (OST) shared memory. If the memory is in a consistent state, the MAPICrashRecovery function moves the data to disk and prevents further read or write access until the process is terminated.

Quick Info

Exported by: olmapi32.dll
Called by: Client
Implemented by: Outlook
  void MAPICrashRecovery(ULONG ulFlags);



[in] Flags used to control how the MAPI crash recovery is performed. The following flags can be set:


If the PSTs or OSTs are in a consistent state, move the data to disk and lock the PSTs or OSTs to prevent read or write access.


Unlock the PSTs or OSTs for debugging. After a successful call to MAPICrashRecovery with the MAPICRASH_RECOVER flag, call MAPICrashRecovery with the MAPICRASH_CONTINUE flag to allow debugging to continue.


If the PSTs or OSTs are in a consistent state, move the data to disk and lock the PSTs or OSTs to prevent read or write access. The PSTs or OSTs cannot be unlocked using MAPICRASH_CONTINUE. Must be used in combination with MAPICRASH_RECOVER.


The upper byte (0xFF000000) is reserved for provider specific crash recovery flags.

Call MAPICrashRecovery with the MAPICRASH_RECOVER and MAPICRASH_SYSTEM_SHUTDOWN flags in response to WM_ENDSESSION message.

See Also

About the MAPI Crash Recovery API

Constants for Exported Outlook APIs

How to: Use the MAPI Crash Recovery API