How to: Open a Store on the Remote Server When Outlook is in Cached Exchange Mode
How to: Open a Store on the Remote Server When Outlook is in Cached Exchange Mode
This topic contains a code sample in C++ that shows how to use the MDB_ONLINE flag to open a message store on the remote server when Microsoft Office Outlook is in Cached Exchange Mode.
Cached Exchange Mode permits Outlook to use a local copy of a user's mailbox while Outlook maintains an online connection to a remote copy of the user's mailbox on the remote Exchange server. When Outlook is running in Cached Exchange Mode, by default, any MAPI solutions that log on to the same session are also connected to the cached message store. Any data that is accessed and any changes that are made are made against the local copy of the mailbox.
A client or service provider can override the connection to the local message store and open the store on the remote server by setting the bit for MDB_ONLINE in the ulFlags parameter when calling IMAPISession::OpenMsgStore. After the store has been successfully opened on the remote server for that session, you can use IMAPISession::OpenEntry to open items or folders on the remote store.
You cannot open an Exchange store in cached mode and in non-cached mode at the same time in the same MAPI session. If you have already opened the cached message store, you must either close the store before you open it with this flag, or open a new MAPI session where you can open the Exchange store on the remote server by using this flag.
The following code sample shows how to call IMAPISession::OpenMsgStore with the MDB_ONLINE flag set in the ulFlags parameter to open the default store on the remote server.
//Obtain the table of all the message stores that are available
hRes = lpMAPISession->GetMsgStoresTable(0, &pStoresTbl);
if (SUCCEEDED(hRes) && pStoresTbl)
//Set up restrictions for the default store
sres.rt = RES_PROPERTY; //Comparing a property
sres.res.resProperty.relop = RELOP_EQ; //Testing equality
sres.res.resProperty.ulPropTag = PR_DEFAULT_STORE; //Tag to compare
sres.res.resProperty.lpProp = &spv; //Prop tag and value to compare against
spv.ulPropTag = PR_DEFAULT_STORE; //Tag type
spv.Value.b = TRUE; //Tag value
//Convert the table to an array that can be stepped through
//Only one message store should have PR_DEFAULT_STORE set to true, so that only one will be returned
hRes = HrQueryAllRows(
pStoresTbl, //Table to query
(LPSPropTagArray) &sptCols, //Which columns to obtain
&sres, //Restriction to use
NULL, //No sort order
0, //Max number of rows (0 means no limit)
&pRow); //Array to return
if (SUCCEEDED(hRes) && pRow && pRow->cRows)
//Open the first returned (default) message store
hRes = lpMAPISession->OpenMsgStore(
NULL, //Window handle for dialogs
pRow->aRow[0].lpProps[EID].Value.bin.cb, //size and...
(LPENTRYID)pRow->aRow[0].lpProps[EID].Value.bin.lpb, //value of entry to open
NULL, //Use default interface (IMsgStore) to open store
&lpTempMDB); //Pointer to put the store in
if (SUCCEEDED(hRes) && lppMDB) lppMDB* = lpTempMDB;
if (pStoresTbl) pStoresTbl->Release();
return hRes;