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WdOMathBreakSub Enumeration

Word Developer Reference

Specifies how Microsoft Office Word handles a subtraction operator that falls before a line break.

Version Information
 Version Added:  Word 2007

Name Value Description
wdOMathBreakSubMinusMinus 0 Repeats a minus sign that ends before a line break at the beginning of the next line. Default.
wdOMathBreakSubMinusPlus 2 Inserts a minus sign at the end of the first line, before the line break, and a plus sign at the beginning of the following line, before the number.
wdOMathBreakSubPlusMinus 1 Inserts a plus sign at the end of the first line, before the line break, and a minus sign at the beginning of the following line, before the number.


Use these constants with the OMathBreakSub property.