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Using XML Files with Microsoft Office Project 2003

Project files may be saved in XML format by clicking Save As on the File menu, or saved to an XML file or DOM document by using Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). In Project, you can also directly open an XML file that is valid, according to the Project XML Schema. You can also open a valid XML file, DOM (Document Object Model) document, or SOAP string by using VBA.

The following are code samples for using XML with VBA in Project. To use the XML DOM, set a reference in the Visual Basic Editor of Project to Microsoft XML. It is recommended that you use Microsoft XML, v4 (normally installed in C:\WINDOWS\system32\msxml4.dll), or Microsoft XML, v5 (installed with Office   2003 in C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\msxml5.dll. In either case, the library namespace is MSXML2.

For recommendations on how to create a valid XML template and how to append XML data to an existing project, see Overview of XML for Project.

Open a project from an XML DOM document

The following code sample shows how to transform a DOM document into a Project XML DOM document and open it in Project. This method is useful when transforming an XML document containing project data that does not conform to the Project Data Interchange Schema.

Public Sub fileopen_xmldom(xml As String)

    On Error GoTo err_fileopen_xmldom
    Dim app As New MSProject.Application
    Dim xmlDom, xslDom, projDom, xslFileName As String
    'Load the XML string parameter into a DOM document
    Set xmlDom = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument")
    xmlDom.async = False
    xmlDom.loadXML xml
    'Specify an XSL template file name
    xslFileName = "C:\project\xml\project.xsl"
    'Load the XSL template into a DOM document
    Set xslDom = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument")
    xslDom.async = False
    xslDom.Load xslFileName
    'Transform the XML input into a project XML document
    Set projDom = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument")
    projDom.Load xmlDom.transformNode(xslDom)
    'Open a project from the XML DOM document
    app.FileOpen FormatID:="MSProject.XMLDOM", XMLName:=projDom

    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "error: " & Err.Description
    GoTo exit_fileopen_xmldom
End Sub

Public Sub Fileopen_xmldom_test()
    Dim xmlDom, XMLfileName As String
    XMLfileName = "C:\proj10\xml\xmldemo\x1.xml"
    Set xmlDom = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMdocument")
    xmlDom.async = False
    xmlDom.Load XMLfileName
    fileopen_xmldom (xmlDom.xml)
End Sub

Open a project from an XML file

Public Sub fileopen_xmlfile()

    On Error GoTo err_fileopen_xmlfile
    Dim app As New MSProject.Application, xmlFile As String
    'Specify a Microsoft Project XML file name
    xmlFile = "C:\project\xml\someProject.xml"
    'Open a project from the XML file
    app.FileOpen Name:=xmlFile, FormatID:="MSProject.XML"

    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "error: " & Err.Description
    GoTo exit_fileopen_xmlfile

End Sub

Open a project from a string containing XML

The following code sample shows how to use Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) to call a Web page that returns an XML string that conforms to the Project XML Schema.

Public Sub openxml_xmlstring(xmlRequest As String)

    On Error GoTo err_openxml_xmlstring
    Dim app As New MSProject.Application
    Dim XMLHttp As XMLHttp
    Dim xmlResponse As String, URL As String
    'Specify the web page to call
    URL = "http://myserver/getProjectXML.asp"
    'Create the SOAP client and call the page
    Set XMLHttp = New XMLHttp
    XMLHttp.Open "POST", URL, False
    XMLHttp.send xmlRequest
    xmlResponse = XMLHttp.responseXML.xml
    'Open a project from the response string
    app.OpenXML xmlResponse

    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "error: " & Err.Description
    GoTo exit_openxml_xmlstring

End Sub

Save a project to an XML DOM document

Public Sub filesaveas_xmldom()

    On Error GoTo err_filesaveas_xmldom
    Dim app As New MSProject.Application
    Dim doc
    'Create an XML DOM document
    Set doc = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument")
    'Save the project to the DOM document
    app.FileSaveAs FormatID:="MSProject.XMLDOM", XMLName:=doc

    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "error: " & Err.Description
    GoTo exit_filesaveas_xmldom

End Sub

Save a project file as an XML file

Public Sub filesaveas_xmlfile()

    On Error GoTo err_filesaveas_xmlfile 
    Dim app As New MSProject.Application, xmlFile As String
    'Specify a Microsoft Project XML file name
    xmlFile = "C:\path to location\fileName.xml"
    'Open a project from the XML file
    app.FileSaveAs Name:=xmlFile, FormatID:="MSProject.XML"

    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "error: " & Err.Description
    GoTo exit_filesaveas_xmlfile

End Sub