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CommunicationsSequenceActivity Members

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A workflow sequence activity that supports both goto and command execution semantics. A CommunicationsSequenceActivity consists of zero or one CommandsActivity or CommunicationsEventsActivity that represents the secondary parallel flows of the workflow. All other child activities are considered part of the main workflow. A goto can happen from anywhere inside the main workflow or secondary workflow.

The CommunicationsSequenceActivity type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method CommunicationsSequenceActivity() Creates an instance.
Public method CommunicationsSequenceActivity(String) Creates an instance with the given name.



  Name Description
Public property Activities (inherited from CompositeActivity)
Public property CallProvider Gets or sets a CallProvider object that exposes different objects like the Call object, SpeechSynthesizer object, and the recognizers used in instant message or speech dialogs.
Protected property CanModifyActivities (inherited from CompositeActivity)
Public property Description (inherited from Activity)
Protected property DesignMode (inherited from DependencyObject)
Public property Enabled (inherited from Activity)
Public property EnabledActivities (inherited from CompositeActivity)
Public property ExecutionResult (inherited from Activity)
Public property ExecutionStatus (inherited from Activity)
Public property IsDynamicActivity (inherited from Activity)
Public property Name (inherited from Activity)
Public property Parent (inherited from Activity)
Protected property ParentDependencyObject (inherited from DependencyObject)
Public property QualifiedName (inherited from Activity)
Public property Site (inherited from DependencyObject)
Public property UserData (inherited from DependencyObject)
Protected property WorkflowInstanceId (inherited from Activity)



  Name Description
Public method AddHandler (inherited from DependencyObject)
Protected method ApplyWorkflowChanges (inherited from CompositeActivity)
Protected method Cancel Cancels the activity. (Overrides SequenceActivity.Cancel(ActivityExecutionContext).)
Public method Clone (inherited from Activity)
Public method Dispose() (inherited from DependencyObject)
Protected method Dispose(Boolean) (inherited from CompositeActivity)
Public method Equals (inherited from Object)
Protected method Execute Runs the activity. (Overrides SequenceActivity.Execute(ActivityExecutionContext).)
Protected method Finalize (inherited from DependencyObject)
Public method GetActivityByName(String) (inherited from Activity)
Public method GetActivityByName(String, Boolean) (inherited from Activity)
Public method GetBinding (inherited from DependencyObject)
Protected method GetBoundValue (inherited from DependencyObject)
Protected method GetDynamicActivities (inherited from CompositeActivity)
Public method GetDynamicActivity Gets the dynamic child activity with the specified name.
Public method GetHashCode (inherited from Object)
Protected method GetInvocationList<T> (inherited from DependencyObject)
Public method GetType (inherited from Object)
Public method GetValue (inherited from DependencyObject)
Public method GetValueBase (inherited from DependencyObject)
Protected method HandleFault Handles an exception. (Overrides SequenceActivity.HandleFault(ActivityExecutionContext, Exception).)
Protected method Initialize (inherited from CompositeActivity)
Protected method InitializeProperties (inherited from DependencyObject)
Protected method Invoke<T>(EventHandler<T>, T) (inherited from Activity)
Protected method Invoke<T>(IActivityEventListener<T>, T) (inherited from Activity)
Public method IsBindingSet (inherited from DependencyObject)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object)
Public method MetaEquals (inherited from DependencyObject)
Protected method OnActivityChangeAdd Dynamic update logic for adding an activity to CommunicationsSequenceActivity at runtime. (Overrides CompositeActivity.OnActivityChangeAdd(ActivityExecutionContext, Activity).)
Protected method OnActivityChangeRemove Dynamic update logic for removing an activity from CommunicationsSequenceActivity at runtime. (Overrides SequenceActivity.OnActivityChangeRemove(ActivityExecutionContext, Activity).)
Protected method OnActivityExecutionContextLoad (inherited from CompositeActivity)
Protected method OnActivityExecutionContextUnload (inherited from CompositeActivity)
Protected method OnClosed (inherited from Activity)
Protected method OnListChanged (inherited from CompositeActivity)
Protected method OnListChanging (inherited from CompositeActivity)
Protected method OnSequenceComplete (inherited from SequenceActivity)
Protected method OnWorkflowChangesCompleted (inherited from SequenceActivity)
Protected method RaiseEvent (inherited from Activity)
Protected method RaiseGenericEvent<T> (inherited from Activity)
Public method RegisterForStatusChange (inherited from Activity)
Public method RemoveHandler (inherited from DependencyObject)
Public method RemoveProperty (inherited from DependencyObject)
Public method Save(Stream) (inherited from Activity)
Public method Save(Stream, IFormatter) (inherited from Activity)
Public method SetBinding (inherited from DependencyObject)
Protected method SetBoundValue (inherited from DependencyObject)
Protected method SetReadOnlyPropertyValue (inherited from DependencyObject)
Public method SetValue (inherited from DependencyObject)
Public method SetValueBase (inherited from DependencyObject)
Public method ToString (inherited from Activity)
Protected method TrackData(Object) (inherited from Activity)
Protected method TrackData(String, Object) (inherited from Activity)
Protected method Uninitialize (inherited from CompositeActivity)
Public method UnregisterForStatusChange (inherited from Activity)



  Name Description
Public event Canceling (inherited from Activity)
Public event Closed (inherited from Activity)
Public event Compensating (inherited from Activity)
Public event Executing (inherited from Activity)
Public event Faulting (inherited from Activity)
Public event StatusChanged (inherited from Activity)



  Name Description
Public fieldStatic member CallProviderProperty This dependency property will bind to the CallProvider property of AcceptCallActivity, OutboundCallActivity, or a custom activity that exposes the CallProvider property.


Explicit Interface Implementations

  Name Description
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate method IActivityEventListener<ActivityExecutionStatusChangedEventArgs>.OnEvent
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate event IComponent.Disposed (inherited from DependencyObject)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate property IInstanceDependencyContainer.InstanceDependencyProperties A dictionary that is used to store the values of instance dependency properties.


See Also


CommunicationsSequenceActivity Class

Microsoft.Rtc.Workflow.Activities Namespace