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ConferenceServices Members

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This class performs several conference management operations including scheduling a conference, modifying and deleting a scheduled conference.

The ConferenceServices type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property PoolName Gets the pool name for building pool targeted requests.



  Name Description
Public method BeginCancelConference(String, AsyncCallback, Object) Deletes a conference scheduled by the endpoint owner.
Public method BeginCancelConference(String, SchedulingTemplate, AsyncCallback, Object) Deletes a conference scheduled by the endpoint owner.
Public method BeginCheckPasscodeIsOptional Gets whether the conference passcode is optional.
Public method BeginGetConference Gets the conference information of a conference scheduled by the endpoint owner.
Public method BeginGetConferenceSummaries(AsyncCallback, Object) Gets a list of basic conference information for conferences scheduled by the endpoint owner.
Public method BeginGetConferenceSummaries(SchedulingTemplate, AsyncCallback, Object) Gets a list of basic conference information for conferences scheduled using the supplied scheduling template.
Public method BeginGetConferenceUriByPhoneConferenceId Translates a phone conference ID to a conference URI.
Public method BeginGetConferencingCapabilities Gets the conferencing options that are available to the endpoint owner.
Public method BeginScheduleConference Initiates the scheduling of a conference.
Public method BeginUpdateConference Updates an existing conference scheduled by the endpoint owner.
Public method BeginVerifyPasscode Gets whether the supplied passcode is valid for the conference.
Public method EndCancelConference Waits for the pending asynchronous cancel operation to complete.
Public method EndCheckPasscodeIsOptional Waits for the pending asynchronous operation of checking the passcode to complete.
Public method EndGetConference Waits for the pending asynchronous operation of getting conference information to complete.
Public method EndGetConferenceSummaries Waits for the pending asynchronous operation of getting conference summaries to complete.
Public method EndGetConferenceUriByPhoneConferenceId Waits for the pending asynchronous operation of translating a phone conference ID to a conference URI to complete.
Public method EndGetConferencingCapabilities Waits for the pending asynchronous operation of getting conferencing options to complete.
Public method EndScheduleConference Waits for the pending asynchronous scheduling operation to complete.
Public method EndUpdateConference Waits for the pending asynchronous update operation to complete.
Public method EndVerifyPasscode Waits for the pending asynchronous operation of verifying the passcode to complete.
Public method Equals (inherited from Object)
Protected method Finalize (inherited from Object)
Public methodStatic member GenerateAnonymousUri Generates an anonymous URI.
Public methodStatic member GenerateConferenceId() Generates a syntactically valid conference ID.
Public methodStatic member GenerateConferenceId(Int32) Generates a syntactically valid conference ID.
Public methodStatic member GenerateNumericPasscode Generates a numeric conference passcode of the given length.
Public methodStatic member GeneratePasscode Generates a conference passcode for use in the conference.
Public method GetHashCode (inherited from Object)
Public method GetType (inherited from Object)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object)
Public method ToString (inherited from Object)


See Also


ConferenceServices Class

Microsoft.Rtc.Collaboration.ConferenceManagement Namespace