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Viewing a Meeting Recording

This content is no longer actively maintained. It is provided as is, for anyone who may still be using these technologies, with no warranties or claims of accuracy with regard to the most recent product version or service release.

To use the Live Meeting service API to let a user view a meeting recording, the first step is retrieving the URL to the recording by sending a GetURL Message. The following is an example of GetURLRequest Element.

<PlaceWareConfCenter authUser="apiuser" authPassword="Pa$$w0rd"> 
    <StringQuery fieldName="name" operator="=" value="N8379J"/>
      <StringOption name="recViewerCompany" value="Contoso"/>
      <StringOption name="recViewerName" value="john"/>
      <StringOption name="recViewerEmail" value=""/>
      <EnumerationOption name="resourceType" value="WindowsMediaMovieRecording">

If the request is processed successfully, a GetURLReply Element element containing the requested URL is returned from the conference center. The following is an example of such a response. If the recording is not an ACL-protected recording, the URL value from the url attribute can be used without modification.

    <GetURLReply url=";fmt=lmm&amp;pw="></GetURLReply>

If the meeting recording is an ACL-protected recording, you can avoid being directed to a logon page by making a createTicket message request. The CreateTicketMessage request results in a createTicketReply containing an authentication ticket that you must append to the end of the URL provided by the getURLReplyElement message. Non ACL-protected recordings do not require this step.

The updated URL for the ACL-protected recording is as follows.


The returned URL can then be plugged into Microsoft Windows Media Player. The following code snippet shows how.

Importing WMPLib; // the dll is %windir%\system32\wmpl.dll
WMPLib.WindowsMediaPlayer player = null;

public void ViewResource(string url)
      player = new WMPLib.WindowsMediaPlayer();

See Also


Using the Live Meeting service API