TnefPropertyId Enumeration
The TnefPropertyId enumeration contains values that represent MAPI properties applied to a Tnef message.
Namespace: Microsoft.Exchange.Data.ContentTypes.Tnef
Assembly: Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Common (in
Public Enumeration TnefPropertyId As Short
public enum TnefPropertyId : short
public enum class TnefPropertyId : short
public enum TnefPropertyId
public enum TnefPropertyId
Member name | Description |
AbDefaultDir | Indicates the MAPI property PR_AB_DEFAULT_DIR. |
AbDefaultPab | Indicates the MAPI property PR_AB_DEFAULT_PAB. |
AbProviderId | Indicates the MAPI property PR_AB_PROVIDER_ID. |
AbProviders | Indicates the MAPI property PR_AB_PROVIDERS. |
AbSearchPath | Indicates the MAPI property PR_AB_SEARCH_PATH. |
AbSearchPathUpdate | Indicates the MAPI property PR_AB_SEARCH_PATH_UPDATE. |
Access | Indicates the MAPI property PR_ACCESS. |
AccessLevel | Indicates the MAPI property PR_ACCESS_LEVEL. |
Account | Indicates the MAPI property PR_ACCOUNT. |
AcknowledgementMode | Indicates the MAPI property PR_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT_MODE. |
Addrtype | Indicates the MAPI property PR_ADDRTYPE. |
AlternateRecipient | Indicates the MAPI property PR_ALTERNATE_RECIPIENT. |
AlternateRecipientAllowed | Indicates the MAPI property PR_ALTERNATE_RECIPIENT_ALLOWED. |
Anr | Indicates the MAPI property PR_ANR. |
Assistant | Indicates the MAPI property PR_ASSISTANT. |
AssistantTelephoneNumber | Indicates the MAPI property PR_ASSISTANT_TELEPHONE_NUMBER. |
AssocContentCount | Indicates the MAPI property PR_ASSOC_CONTENT_COUNT. |
AttachAdditionalInfo | Indicates the MAPI property PR_ATTACH_ADDITIONAL_INFO. |
AttachContentBase | Indicates the MAPI property PR_ATTACH_CONTENT_BASE. |
AttachContentId | Indicates the MAPI property PR_ATTACH_CONTENT_ID. |
AttachContentLocation | Indicates the MAPI property PR_ATTACH_CONTENT_LOCATION. |
AttachData | Indicates the MAPI property PR_ATTACH_DATA_BIN or PR_ATTACH_DATA_OBJ. |
AttachDisposition | Indicates the MAPI property PR_ATTACH_DISPOSITION. |
AttachEncoding | Indicates the MAPI property PR_ATTACH_ENCODING. |
AttachExtension | Indicates the MAPI property PR_ATTACH_EXTENSION. |
AttachFilename | Indicates the MAPI property PR_ATTACH_FILENAME. |
AttachFlags | Indicates the MAPI property PR_ATTACH_FLAGS. |
AttachLongFilename | Indicates the MAPI property PR_ATTACH_LONG_FILENAME. |
AttachLongPathname | Indicates the MAPI property PR_ATTACH_LONG_PATHNAME. |
AttachmentX400Parameters | Indicates the MAPI property PR_ATTACHMENT_X400_PARAMETERS. |
AttachMethod | Indicates the MAPI property PR_ATTACH_METHOD. |
AttachMimeSequence | Indicates the MAPI property PR_ATTACH_MIME_SEQUENCE. |
AttachMimeTag | Indicates the MAPI property PR_ATTACH_MIME_TAG. |
AttachNetscapeMacInfo | Indicates the MAPI property PR_ATTACH_NETSCAPE_MAC_INFO. |
AttachNum | Indicates the MAPI property PR_ATTACH_NUM. |
AttachPathname | Indicates the MAPI property PR_ATTACH_PATHNAME. |
AttachRendering | Indicates the MAPI property PR_ATTACH_RENDERING. |
AttachSize | Indicates the MAPI property PR_ATTACH_SIZE. |
AttachTag | Indicates the MAPI property PR_ATTACH_TAG. |
AttachTransportName | Indicates the MAPI property PR_ATTACH_TRANSPORT_NAME. |
AuthorizingUsers | Indicates the MAPI property PR_AUTHORIZING_USERS. |
AutoForwardComment | Indicates the MAPI property PR_AUTO_FORWARD_COMMENT. |
AutoForwarded | Indicates the MAPI property PR_AUTO_FORWARDED. |
AutoResponseSuppress | Indicates the PR_AUTO_RESPONSE_SUPPRESS. |
BeeperTelephoneNumber | Indicates the MAPI property PR_BEEPER_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_W. |
Birthday | Indicates the MAPI property PR_BIRTHDAY. |
Body | Indicates the MAPI property PR_BODY. |
BodyContentId | Indicates the MAPI property PR_BODY_CONTENT_ID. |
BodyContentLocation | Indicates the MAPI property PR_BODY_CONTENT_LOCATION. |
BodyCrc | Indicates the MAPI property PR_BODY_CRC. |
BodyHtml | Indicates the MAPI property PR_BODY_HTML with binary data. |
Business2TelephoneNumber | Indicates the MAPI property PR_BUSINESS2_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_A. |
BusinessAddressCity | Indicates the MAPI property PR_BUSINESS_ADDRESS_CITY. |
BusinessAddressCountry | Indicates the MAPI property PR_BUSINESS_ADDRESS_COUNTRY. |
BusinessAddressPostalCode | Indicates the MAPI property PR_BUSINESS_ADDRESS_POSTAL_CODE. |
BusinessAddressStreet | Indicates the MAPI property PR_BUSINESS_ADDRESS_STREET. |
BusinessFaxNumber | Indicates the MAPI property PR_BUSINESS_FAX_NUMBER. |
BusinessHomePage | Indicates the MAPI property PR_BUSINESS_HOME_PAGE. |
CallbackTelephoneNumber | Indicates the MAPI property PR_CALLBACK_TELEPHONE_NUMBER. |
CarTelephoneNumber | Indicates the MAPI property PR_CAR_TELEPHONE_NUMBER. |
ChildrensNames | Indicates the MAPI property PR_CHILDRENS_NAMES. |
ClientSubmitTime | Indicates the MAPI property PR_CLIENT_SUBMIT_TIME. |
Comment | Indicates the MAPI property PR_COMMENT. |
CommonViewsEntryId | Indicates the MAPI property PR_COMMON_VIEWS_ENTRYID. |
CompanyMainPhoneNumber | Indicates the MAPI property PR_COMPANY_MAIN_PHONE_NUMBER. |
CompanyName | Indicates the MAPI property PR_COMPANY_NAME. |
ComputerNetworkName | Indicates the MAPI property PR_COMPUTER_NETWORK_NAME. |
ContactAddrtypes | Indicates the MAPI property PR_CONTACT_ADDRTYPES. |
ContactDefaultAddressIndex | Indicates the MAPI property PR_CONTACT_DEFAULT_ADDRESS_INDEX. |
ContactEmailAddresses | Indicates the MAPI property PR_CONTACT_EMAIL_ADDRESSES. |
ContactEntryIds | Indicates the MAPI property PR_CONTACT_ENTRYIDS. |
ContactVersion | Indicates the MAPI property PR_CONTACT_VERSION. |
ContainerClass | Indicates the MAPI property PR_CONTAINER_CLASS. |
ContainerContents | Indicates the MAPI property PR_CONTAINER_CONTENTS. |
ContainerFlags | Indicates the MAPI property PR_CONTAINER_FLAGS. |
ContainerHierarchy | Indicates the MAPI property PR_CONTAINER_HIERARCHY. |
ContainerModifyVersion | Indicates the MAPI property PR_CONTAINER_MODIFY_VERSION. |
ContentConfidentialityAlgorithmId | Indicates the MAPI property PR_CONTENT_CONFIDENTIALITY_ALGORITHM_ID. |
ContentCorrelator | Indicates the MAPI property PR_CONTENT_CORRELATOR. |
ContentCount | Indicates the MAPI property PR_CONTENT_COUNT. |
ContentIdentifier | Indicates the MAPI property PR_CONTENT_IDENTIFIER. |
ContentIntegrityCheck | Indicates the MAPI property PR_CONTENT_INTEGRITY_CHECK. |
ContentLength | Indicates the MAPI property PR_CONTENT_LENGTH. |
ContentReturnRequested | Indicates the MAPI property PR_CONTENT_RETURN_REQUESTED. |
ContentsSortOrder | Indicates the MAPI property PR_CONTENTS_SORT_ORDER. |
ContentUnread | Indicates the MAPI property PR_CONTENT_UNREAD. |
ControlFlags | Indicates the MAPI property PR_CONTROL_FLAGS. |
ControlId | Indicates the MAPI property PR_CONTROL_ID. |
ControlStructure | Indicates the MAPI property PR_CONTROL_STRUCTURE. |
ControlType | Indicates the MAPI property PR_CONTROL_TYPE. |
ConversationIndex | Indicates the MAPI property PR_CONVERSATION_INDEX. |
ConversationKey | Indicates the MAPI property PR_CONVERSATION_KEY. |
ConversationTopic | Indicates the MAPI property PR_CONVERSATION_TOPIC. |
ConversionEits | Indicates the MAPI property PR_CONVERSION_EITS. |
ConversionProhibited | Indicates the MAPI property PR_CONVERSION_PROHIBITED. |
ConversionWithLossProhibited | Indicates the MAPI property PR_CONVERSION_WITH_LOSS_PROHIBITED. |
ConvertedEits | Indicates the MAPI property PR_CONVERTED_EITS. |
Correlate | Indicates the MAPI property PR_CORRELATE. |
CorrelateMtsid | Indicates the MAPI property PR_CORRELATE_MTSID. |
Country | Indicates the MAPI property PR_COUNTRY. |
CreateTemplates | Indicates the MAPI property PR_CREATE_TEMPLATES. |
CreationTime | Indicates the MAPI property PR_CREATION_TIME. |
CreationVersion | Indicates the MAPI property PR_CREATION_VERSION. |
CurrentVersion | Indicates the MAPI property PR_CURRENT_VERSION. |
CustomerId | Indicates the MAPI property PR_CUSTOMER_ID. |
DefaultProfile | Indicates the MAPI property PR_DEFAULT_PROFILE. |
DefaultStore | Indicates the MAPI property PR_DEFAULT_STORE. |
DefaultViewEntryId | Indicates the MAPI property PR_DEFAULT_VIEW_ENTRYID. |
DefCreateDl | Indicates the MAPI property PR_DEF_CREATE_DL. |
DefCreateMailuser | Indicates the MAPI property PR_DEF_CREATE_MAILUSER. |
DeferredDeliveryTime | Indicates the MAPI property PR_DEFERRED_DELIVERY_TIME. |
Delegation | Indicates the MAPI property PR_DELEGATION. |
DeleteAfterSubmit | Indicates the MAPI property PR_DELETE_AFTER_SUBMIT. |
DeliverTime | Indicates the MAPI property PR_DELIVER_TIME. |
DeliveryPoint | Indicates the MAPI property PR_DELIVERY_POINT. |
Deltax | Indicates the MAPI property PR_DELTAX. |
Deltay | Indicates the MAPI property PR_DELTAY. |
DepartmentName | Indicates the MAPI property PR_DEPARTMENT_NAME. |
Depth | Indicates the MAPI property PR_DEPTH. |
DetailsTable | Indicates the MAPI property PR_DETAILS_TABLE. |
DiscardReason | Indicates the MAPI property PR_DISCARD_REASON. |
DiscloseRecipients | Indicates the MAPI property PR_DISCLOSE_RECIPIENTS. |
DisclosureOfRecipients | Indicates the MAPI property PR_DISCLOSURE_OF_RECIPIENTS. |
DiscreteValues | Indicates the MAPI property PR_DISCRETE_VALUES. |
DiscVal | Indicates the MAPI property PR_DISC_VAL. |
DisplayBcc | Indicates the MAPI property PR_DISPLAY_BCC. |
DisplayCc | Indicates the MAPI property PR_DISPLAY_CC. |
DisplayName | Indicates the MAPI property PR_DISPLAY_NAME. |
DisplayNamePrefix | Indicates the MAPI property PR_DISPLAY_NAME_PREFIX. |
DisplayTo | Indicates the MAPI property PR_DISPLAY_TO. |
DisplayType | Indicates the MAPI property PR_DISPLAY_TYPE. |
DlExpansionHistory | Indicates the MAPI property PR_DL_EXPANSION_HISTORY. |
DlExpansionProhibited | Indicates the MAPI property PR_DL_EXPANSION_PROHIBITED. |
EmailAddress | Indicates the MAPI property PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS. |
EndDate | Indicates the MAPI property PR_END_DATE. |
EntryId | Indicates the MAPI property PR_ENTRYID. |
ExpandBeginTime | Indicates the MAPI property PR_EXPAND_BEGIN_TIME. |
ExpandedBeginTime | Indicates the MAPI property PR_EXPANDED_BEGIN_TIME. |
ExpandedEndTime | Indicates the MAPI property PR_EXPANDED_END_TIME. |
ExpandEndTime | Indicates the MAPI property PR_EXPAND_END_TIME. |
ExpiryTime | Indicates the MAPI property PR_EXPIRY_TIME. |
ExplicitConversion | Indicates the MAPI property PR_EXPLICIT_CONVERSION. |
FilteringHooks | Indicates the MAPI property PR_FILTERING_HOOKS. |
FinderEntryId | Indicates the MAPI property PR_FINDER_ENTRYID. |
FolderAssociatedContents | Indicates the MAPI property PR_FOLDER_ASSOCIATED_CONTENTS. |
FolderType | Indicates the MAPI property PR_FOLDER_TYPE. |
FormCategory | Indicates the MAPI property PR_FORM_CATEGORY. |
FormCategorySub | Indicates the MAPI property PR_FORM_CATEGORY_SUB. |
FormClsid | Indicates the MAPI property PR_FORM_ClsID. |
FormContactName | Indicates the MAPI property PR_FORM_CONTACT_NAME. |
FormDesignerGuid | Indicates the MAPI property PR_FORM_DESIGNER_GUID. |
FormDesignerName | Indicates the MAPI property PR_FORM_DESIGNER_NAME. |
FormHidden | Indicates the MAPI property PR_FORM_HIDDEN. |
FormHostMap | Indicates the MAPI property PR_FORM_HOST_MAP. |
FormMessageBehavior | Indicates the MAPI property PR_FORM_MESSAGE_BEHAVIOR. |
FormVersion | Indicates the MAPI property PR_FORM_VERSION. |
FtpSite | Indicates the MAPI property PR_FTP_SITE. |
Gender | Indicates the MAPI property PR_GENDER. |
Generation | Indicates the MAPI property PR_GENERATION. |
GivenName | Indicates the MAPI property PR_GIVEN_NAME. |
GovernmentIdNumber | Indicates the MAPI property PR_GOVERNMENT_ID_NUMBER. |
Hasattach | Indicates the MAPI property PR_HASATTACH. |
HeaderFolderEntryId | Indicates the MAPI property PR_HEADER_FOLDER_ENTRYID. |
Hobbies | Indicates the MAPI property PR_HOBBIES. |
Home2TelephoneNumber | Indicates the MAPI property PR_HOME2_TELEPHONE_NUMBER. |
HomeAddressCity | Indicates the MAPI property PR_HOME_ADDRESS_CITY. |
HomeAddressCountry | Indicates the MAPI property PR_HOME_ADDRESS_COUNTRY. |
HomeAddressPostalCode | Indicates the MAPI property PR_HOME_ADDRESS_POSTAL_CODE. |
HomeAddressPostOfficeBox | Indicates the MAPI property PR_HOME_ADDRESS_POST_OFFICE_BOX. |
HomeAddressStateOrProvince | Indicates the MAPI property PR_HOME_ADDRESS_STATE_OR_PROVINCE. |
HomeAddressStreet | Indicates the MAPI property PR_HOME_ADDRESS_STREET. |
HomeFaxNumber | Indicates the MAPI property PR_HOME_FAX_NUMBER. |
HomeTelephoneNumber | Indicates the MAPI property PR_HOME_TELEPHONE_NUMBER. |
Icon | Indicates the MAPI property PR_ICON. |
IdentityDisplay | Indicates the MAPI property PR_IDENTITY_DISPLAY. |
IdentityEntryId | Indicates the MAPI property PR_IDENTITY_ENTRYID. |
IdentitySearchKey | Indicates the MAPI property PR_IDENTITY_SEARCH_KEY. |
ImplicitConversionProhibited | Indicates the MAPI property PR_IMPLICIT_CONVERSION_PROHIBITED. |
Importance | Indicates the MAPI property PR_IMPORTANCE. |
IncompleteCopy | Indicates the MAPI property PR_INCOMPLETE_COPY. |
INetMailOverrideCharset | Indicates the Internet Mail Override Charset. |
INetMailOverrideFormat | Indicates the Internet Mail Override Format. |
InitialDetailsPane | Indicates the MAPI property PR_INITIAL_DETAILS_PANE. |
Initials | Indicates the MAPI property PR_INITIALS. |
InReplyToId | Indicates the MAPI property PR_IN_REPLY_TO_ID. |
InstanceKey | Indicates the MAPI property PR_INSTANCE_KEY. |
InternetApproved | Indicates the MAPI property PR_INTERNET_APPROVED. |
InternetArticleNumber | Indicates the MAPI property PR_INTERNET_ARTICLE_NUMBER. |
InternetControl | Indicates the MAPI property PR_INTERNET_CONTROL. |
InternetCPID | Indicates the MAPI property PR_INTERNET_CPID. |
InternetDistribution | Indicates the MAPI property PR_INTERNET_DISTRIBUTION. |
InternetFollowupTo | Indicates the MAPI property PR_INTERNET_FOLLOWUP_TO. |
InternetLines | Indicates the MAPI property PR_INTERNET_LINES. |
InternetMessageId | Indicates the MAPI property PR_INTERNET_MESSAGE_ID. |
InternetNewsgroups | Indicates the MAPI property PR_INTERNET_NEWSGROUPS. |
InternetNntpPath | Indicates the MAPI property PR_INTERNET_NNTP_PATH. |
InternetOrganization | Indicates the MAPI property PR_INTERNET_ORGANIZATION. |
InternetPrecedence | Indicates the MAPI property PR_INTERNET_PRECEDENCE. |
InternetReferences | Indicates the MAPI property PR_INTERNET_REFERENCES. |
IpmId | Indicates the MAPI property PR_IPM_ID. |
IpmOutboxEntryId | Indicates the MAPI property PR_IPM_OUTBOX_ENTRYID. |
IpmOutboxSearchKey | Indicates the MAPI property PR_IPM_OUTBOX_SEARCH_KEY. |
IpmReturnRequested | Indicates the MAPI property PR_IPM_RETURN_REQUESTED. |
IpmSentmailEntryId | Indicates the MAPI property PR_IPM_SENTMAIL_ENTRYID. |
IpmSentmailSearchKey | Indicates the MAPI property PR_IPM_SENTMAIL_SEARCH_KEY. |
IpmSubtreeEntryId | Indicates the MAPI property PR_IPM_SUBTREE_ENTRYID. |
IpmSubtreeSearchKey | Indicates the MAPI property PR_IPM_SUBTREE_SEARCH_KEY. |
IpmWastebasketEntryId | Indicates the MAPI property PR_IPM_WASTEBASKET_ENTRYID. |
IpmWastebasketSearchKey | Indicates the MAPI property PR_IPM_WASTEBASKET_SEARCH_KEY. |
IsdnNumber | Indicates the MAPI property PR_ISDN_NUMBER. |
Keyword | Indicates the MAPI property PR_KEYWORD. |
Language | Indicates the MAPI property PR_LANGUAGE. |
Languages | Indicates the MAPI property PR_LANGUAGES. |
LastModificationTime | Indicates the MAPI property PR_LAST_MODIFICATION_TIME. |
LatestDeliveryTime | Indicates the MAPI property PR_LATEST_DELIVERY_TIME. |
ListHelp | Indicates the MAPI property PR_LIST_HELP. |
ListSubscribe | Indicates the MAPI property PR_LIST_SUBSCRIBE. |
ListUnsubscribe | Indicates the MAPI property PR_LIST_UNSUBSCRIBE. |
Locality | Indicates the MAPI property PR_LOCALITY. |
LocallyDelivered | Indicates the Store property, ptagLocallyDelivered. |
Location | Indicates the MAPI property PR_LOCATION. |
LockBranchId | Indicates the MAPI property PR_LOCK_BRANCH_ID. |
LockDepth | Indicates the MAPI property PR_LOCK_DEPTH. |
LockEnlistmentContext | Indicates the MAPI property PR_LOCK_ENLISTMENT_CONTEXT. |
LockExpiryTime | Indicates the MAPI property PR_LOCK_EXPIRY_TIME. |
LockPersistent | Indicates the MAPI property PR_LOCK_PERSISTENT. |
LockResourceDid | Indicates the MAPI property PR_LOCK_RESOURCE_DID. |
LockResourceFid | Indicates the MAPI property PR_LOCK_RESOURCE_FID. |
LockResourceMid | Indicates the MAPI property PR_LOCK_RESOURCE_MID. |
LockScope | Indicates the MAPI property PR_LOCK_SCOPE. |
LockTimeout | Indicates the MAPI property PR_LOCK_TIMEOUT. |
LockType | Indicates the MAPI property PR_LOCK_TYPE. |
MailPermission | Indicates the MAPI property PR_MAIL_PERMISSION. |
ManagerName | Indicates the MAPI property PR_MANAGER_NAME. |
MappingSignature | Indicates the MAPI property PR_MAPPING_SIGNATURE. |
MdbProvider | Indicates the MAPI property PR_MDB_PROVIDER. |
MessageAttachments | Indicates the MAPI property PR_MESSAGE_ATTACHMENTS. |
MessageCcMe | Indicates the MAPI property PR_MESSAGE_CC_ME. |
MessageClass | Indicates the MAPI property PR_MESSAGE_CLASS. |
MessageCodepage | Indicates the MAPI property PR_MESSAGE_CODEPAGE. |
MessageDeliveryId | Indicates the MAPI property PR_MESSAGE_DELIVERY_ID. |
MessageDeliveryTime | Indicates the MAPI property PR_MESSAGE_DELIVERY_TIME. |
MessageDownloadTime | Indicates the MAPI property PR_MESSAGE_DOWNLOAD_TIME. |
MessageFlags | Indicates the MAPI property PR_MESSAGE_FLAGS. |
MessageRecipients | Indicates the MAPI property PR_MESSAGE_RECIPIENTS. |
MessageRecipMe | Indicates the MAPI property PR_MESSAGE_RECIP_ME. |
MessageSecurityLabel | Indicates the MAPI property PR_MESSAGE_SECURITY_LABEL. |
MessageSize | Indicates the MAPI property PR_MESSAGE_SIZE. |
MessageSubmissionId | Indicates the MAPI property PR_MESSAGE_SUBMISSION_ID. |
MessageToken | Indicates the MAPI property PR_MESSAGE_TOKEN. |
MessageToMe | Indicates the MAPI property PR_MESSAGE_TO_ME. |
MhsCommonName | Indicates the MAPI property PR_MHS_COMMON_NAME. |
MiddleName | Indicates the MAPI property PR_MIDDLE_NAME. |
MiniIcon | Indicates the MAPI property PR_MINI_ICON. |
MobileTelephoneNumber | Indicates the MAPI property PR_MOBILE_TELEPHONE_NUMBER. |
ModifyVersion | Indicates the MAPI property PR_MODIFY_VERSION. |
MsgStatus | Indicates the MAPI property PR_MSG_STATUS. |
NdrDiagCode | Indicates the MAPI property PR_NDR_DIAG_CODE. |
NdrReasonCode | Indicates the MAPI property PR_NDR_REASON_CODE. |
NdrStatusCode | Indicates the MAPI property PR_NDR_STATUS_CODE. |
NewsgroupName | Indicates the MAPI property PR_NEWSGROUP_NAME. |
Nickname | Indicates the MAPI property PR_NICKNAME. |
NntpXref | Indicates the MAPI property PR_NNTP_XREF. |
NonReceiptNotificationRequested | Indicates the MAPI property PR_NON_RECEIPT_NOTIFICATION_REQUESTED. |
NonReceiptReason | Indicates the MAPI property PR_NON_RECEIPT_REASON. |
NormalizedSubject | Indicates the MAPI property PR_NORMALIZED_SUBJECT. |
NtSecurityDescriptor | Indicates the MAPI property PR_NT_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR. |
Null | Indicates the MAPI property PR_NULL. |
ObjectType | Indicates the MAPI property PR_Object_TYPE. |
ObsoletedIpms | Indicates the MAPI property PR_OBSOLETED_IPMS. |
Office2TelephoneNumber | Indicates the MAPI property PR_OFFICE2_TELEPHONE_NUMBER. |
OfficeLocation | Indicates the MAPI property PR_OFFICE_LOCATION. |
OfficeTelephoneNumber | Indicates the MAPI property PR_OFFICE_TELEPHONE_NUMBER. |
OofReplyType | Indicates the MAPI property PR_OOF_REPLY_TYPE. |
OrganizationalIdNumber | Indicates the MAPI property PR_ORGANIZATIONAL_ID_NUMBER. |
OrigEntryId | Indicates the MAPI property PR_ORIG_ENTRYID. |
OriginalAuthorAddrtype | Indicates the MAPI property PR_ORIGINAL_AUTHOR_ADDRTYPE. |
OriginalAuthorEmailAddress | Indicates the MAPI property PR_ORIGINAL_AUTHOR_EMAIL_ADDRESS. |
OriginalAuthorEntryId | Indicates the MAPI property PR_ORIGINAL_AUTHOR_ENTRYID. |
OriginalAuthorName | Indicates the MAPI property PR_ORIGINAL_AUTHOR_NAME. |
OriginalAuthorSearchKey | Indicates the MAPI property PR_ORIGINAL_AUTHOR_SEARCH_KEY. |
OriginalDeliveryTime | Indicates the MAPI property PR_ORIGINAL_DELIVERY_TIME. |
OriginalDisplayBcc | Indicates the MAPI property PR_ORIGINAL_DISPLAY_BCC. |
OriginalDisplayCc | Indicates the MAPI property PR_ORIGINAL_DISPLAY_CC. |
OriginalDisplayName | Indicates the MAPI property PR_ORIGINAL_DISPLAY_NAME. |
OriginalDisplayTo | Indicates the MAPI property PR_ORIGINAL_DISPLAY_TO. |
OriginalEits | Indicates the MAPI property PR_ORIGINAL_EITS. |
OriginalEntryId | Indicates the MAPI property PR_ORIGINAL_ENTRYID. |
OriginallyIntendedRecipAddrtype | Indicates the MAPI property PR_ORIGINALLY_INTENDED_RECIP_ADDRTYPE. |
OriginallyIntendedRecipEmailAddress | Indicates the MAPI property PR_ORIGINALLY_INTENDED_RECIP_EMAIL_ADDRESS. |
OriginallyIntendedRecipEntryId | Indicates the MAPI property PR_ORIGINALLY_INTENDED_RECIP_ENTRYID. |
OriginallyIntendedRecipientName | Indicates the MAPI property PR_ORIGINALLY_INTENDED_RECIPIENT_NAME. |
OriginalSearchKey | Indicates the MAPI property PR_ORIGINAL_SEARCH_KEY. |
OriginalSenderAddrtype | Indicates the MAPI property PR_ORIGINAL_SENDER_ADDRTYPE. |
OriginalSenderEmailAddress | Indicates the MAPI property PR_ORIGINAL_SENDER_EMAIL_ADDRESS. |
OriginalSenderEntryId | Indicates the MAPI property PR_ORIGINAL_SENDER_ENTRYID. |
OriginalSenderName | Indicates the MAPI property PR_ORIGINAL_SENDER_NAME. |
OriginalSenderSearchKey | Indicates the MAPI property PR_ORIGINAL_SENDER_SEARCH_KEY. |
OriginalSensitivity | Indicates the MAPI property PR_ORIGINAL_SENSITIVITY. |
OriginalSentRepresentingAddrtype | Indicates the MAPI property PR_ORIGINAL_SENT_REPRESENTING_ADDRTYPE. |
OriginalSentRepresentingEmailAddress | Indicates the MAPI property PR_ORIGINAL_SENT_REPRESENTING_EMAIL_ADDRESS. |
OriginalSentRepresentingEntryId | Indicates the MAPI property PR_ORIGINAL_SENT_REPRESENTING_ENTRYID. |
OriginalSentRepresentingName | Indicates the MAPI property PR_ORIGINAL_SENT_REPRESENTING_NAME. |
OriginalSentRepresentingSearchKey | Indicates the MAPI property PR_ORIGINAL_SENT_REPRESENTING_SEARCH_KEY. |
OriginalSubject | Indicates the MAPI property PR_ORIGINAL_SUBJECT. |
OriginalSubmitTime | Indicates the MAPI property PR_ORIGINAL_SUBMIT_TIME. |
OriginatingMtaCertificate | Indicates the MAPI property PR_ORIGINATING_MTA_CERTIFICATE. |
OriginatorAndDlExpansionHistory | Indicates the MAPI property PR_ORIGINATOR_AND_DL_EXPANSION_HISTORY. |
OriginatorCertificate | Indicates the MAPI property PR_ORIGINATOR_CERTIFICATE. |
OriginatorDeliveryReportRequested | Indicates the MAPI property PR_ORIGINATOR_DELIVERY_REPORT_REQUESTED. |
OriginatorNonDeliveryReportRequested | Indicates the MAPI property PR_ORIGINATOR_NON_DELIVERY_REPORT_REQUESTED. |
OriginatorRequestedAlternateRecipient | Indicates the MAPI property PR_ORIGINATOR_REQUESTED_ALTERNATE_RECIPIENT. |
OriginatorReturnAddress | Indicates the MAPI property PR_ORIGINATOR_RETURN_ADDRESS. |
OriginCheck | Indicates the MAPI property PR_ORIGIN_CHECK. |
OrigMessageClass | Indicates the MAPI property PR_ORIG_MESSAGE_CLASS. |
OtherAddressCity | Indicates the MAPI property PR_OTHER_ADDRESS_CITY. |
OtherAddressCountry | Indicates the MAPI property PR_OTHER_ADDRESS_COUNTRY. |
OtherAddressPostalCode | Indicates the MAPI property PR_OTHER_ADDRESS_POSTAL_CODE. |
OtherAddressPostOfficeBox | Indicates the MAPI property PR_OTHER_ADDRESS_POST_OFFICE_BOX. |
OtherAddressStateOrProvince | Indicates the MAPI property PR_OTHER_ADDRESS_STATE_OR_PROVINCE. |
OtherAddressStreet | Indicates the MAPI property PR_OTHER_ADDRESS_STREET. |
OtherTelephoneNumber | Indicates the MAPI property PR_OTHER_TELEPHONE_NUMBER. |
OwnerApptId | Indicates the MAPI property PR_OWNER_APPT_ID. |
OwnStoreEntryId | Indicates the MAPI property PR_OWN_STORE_ENTRYID. |
PagerTelephoneNumber | Indicates the MAPI property PR_PAGER_TELEPHONE_NUMBER. |
ParentDisplay | Indicates the MAPI property PR_PARENT_DISPLAY. |
ParentEntryId | Indicates the MAPI property PR_PARENT_ENTRYID. |
ParentKey | Indicates the MAPI property PR_PARENT_KEY. |
PersonalHomePage | Indicates the MAPI property PR_PERSONAL_HOME_PAGE. |
PhysicalDeliveryBureauFaxDelivery | Indicates the MAPI property PR_PHYSICAL_DELIVERY_BUREAU_FAX_DELIVERY. |
PhysicalDeliveryMode | Indicates the MAPI property PR_PHYSICAL_DELIVERY_MODE. |
PhysicalDeliveryReportRequest | Indicates the MAPI property PR_PHYSICAL_DELIVERY_REPORT_REQUEST. |
PhysicalForwardingAddress | Indicates the MAPI property PR_PHYSICAL_FORWARDING_ADDRESS. |
PhysicalForwardingAddressRequested | Indicates the MAPI property PR_PHYSICAL_FORWARDING_ADDRESS_REQUESTED. |
PhysicalForwardingProhibited | Indicates the MAPI property PR_PHYSICAL_FORWARDING_PROHIBITED. |
PhysicalRenditionAttributes | Indicates the MAPI property PR_PHYSICAL_RENDITION_ATTRIBUTES. |
PostalAddress | Indicates the MAPI property PR_POSTAL_ADDRESS. |
PostalCode | Indicates the MAPI property PR_POSTAL_CODE. |
PostFolderEntries | Indicates the MAPI property PR_POST_FOLDER_ENTRIES. |
PostFolderNames | Indicates the MAPI property PR_POST_FOLDER_NAMES. |
PostOfficeBox | Indicates the MAPI property PR_POST_OFFICE_BOX. |
PostReplyDenied | Indicates the MAPI property PR_POST_REPLY_DENIED. |
PostReplyFolderEntries | Indicates the MAPI property PR_POST_REPLY_FOLDER_ENTRIES. |
PostReplyFolderNames | Indicates the MAPI property PR_POST_REPLY_FOLDER_NAMES. |
PreferredByName | Indicates the MAPI property PR_PREFERRED_BY_NAME. |
Preprocess | Indicates the MAPI property PR_PREPROCESS. |
PrimaryCapability | Indicates the MAPI property PR_PRIMARY_CAPABILITY. |
PrimaryFaxNumber | Indicates the MAPI property PR_PRIMARY_FAX_NUMBER. |
PrimaryTelephoneNumber | Indicates the MAPI property PR_PRIMARY_TELEPHONE_NUMBER. |
Priority | Indicates the MAPI property PR_PRIORITY. |
Profession | Indicates the MAPI property PR_PROFESSION. |
ProfileName | Indicates the MAPI property PR_PROFILE_NAME. |
ProofOfDelivery | Indicates the MAPI property PR_PROOF_OF_DELIVERY. |
ProofOfDeliveryRequested | Indicates the MAPI property PR_PROOF_OF_DELIVERY_REQUESTED. |
ProofOfSubmission | Indicates the MAPI property PR_PROOF_OF_SUBMISSION. |
ProofOfSubmissionRequested | Indicates the MAPI property PR_PROOF_OF_SUBMISSION_REQUESTED. |
PropIdSecureMax | Indicates the MAPI property PROP_ID_SECURE_MAX. |
PropIdSecureMin | Indicates the MAPI property PROP_ID_SECURE_MIN. |
ProviderDisplay | Indicates the MAPI property PR_PROVIDER_DISPLAY. |
ProviderDllName | Indicates the MAPI property PR_PROVIDER_DLL_NAME. |
ProviderOrdinal | Indicates the MAPI property PR_PROVIDER_ORDINAL. |
ProviderSubmitTime | Indicates the MAPI property PR_PROVIDER_SUBMIT_TIME. |
ProviderUid | Indicates the MAPI property PR_PROVIDER_UID. |
Puid | Indicates the MAPI property PR_PUID. |
RadioTelephoneNumber | Indicates the MAPI property PR_RADIO_TELEPHONE_NUMBER. |
RcvdRepresentingAddrtype | Indicates the MAPI property PR_RCVD_REPRESENTING_ADDRTYPE. |
RcvdRepresentingEmailAddress | Indicates the MAPI property PR_RCVD_REPRESENTING_EMAIL_ADDRESS. |
RcvdRepresentingEntryId | Indicates the MAPI property PR_RCVD_REPRESENTING_ENTRYID. |
RcvdRepresentingName | Indicates the MAPI property PR_RCVD_REPRESENTING_NAME. |
RcvdRepresentingSearchKey | Indicates the MAPI property PR_RCVD_REPRESENTING_SEARCH_KEY. |
ReadReceiptEntryId | Indicates the MAPI property PR_READ_RECEIPT_ENTRYID. |
ReadReceiptRequested | Indicates the MAPI property PR_READ_RECEIPT_REQUESTED. |
ReadReceiptSearchKey | Indicates the MAPI property PR_READ_RECEIPT_SEARCH_KEY. |
ReceiptTime | Indicates the MAPI property PR_RECEIPT_TIME. |
ReceivedByAddrtype | Indicates the MAPI property PR_RECEIVED_BY_ADDRTYPE. |
ReceivedByEmailAddress | Indicates the MAPI property PR_RECEIVED_BY_EMAIL_ADDRESS. |
ReceivedByEntryId | Indicates the MAPI property PR_RECEIVED_BY_ENTRYID. |
ReceivedByName | Indicates the MAPI property PR_RECEIVED_BY_NAME. |
ReceivedBySearchKey | Indicates the MAPI property PR_RECEIVED_BY_SEARCH_KEY. |
ReceiveFolderSettings | Indicates the MAPI property PR_RECEIVE_FOLDER_SETTINGS. |
RecipientCertificate | Indicates the MAPI property PR_RECIPIENT_CERTIFICATE. |
RecipientNumberForAdvice | Indicates the MAPI property PR_RECIPIENT_NUMBER_FOR_ADVICE. |
RecipientReassignmentProhibited | Indicates the MAPI property PR_RECIPIENT_REASSIGNMENT_PROHIBITED. |
RecipientStatus | Indicates the MAPI property PR_RECIPIENT_STATUS. |
RecipientType | Indicates the MAPI property PR_RECIPIENT_TYPE. |
RecordKey | Indicates the MAPI property PR_RECORD_KEY. |
RedirectionHistory | Indicates the MAPI property PR_REDIRECTION_HISTORY. |
ReferredByName | Indicates the MAPI property PR_REFERRED_BY_NAME. |
RegisteredMailType | Indicates the MAPI property PR_REGISTERED_MAIL_TYPE. |
RelatedIpms | Indicates the MAPI property PR_RELATED_IPMS. |
RemoteProgress | Indicates the MAPI property PR_REMOTE_PROGRESS. |
RemoteProgressText | Indicates the MAPI property PR_REMOTE_PROGRESS_TEXT. |
RemoteValidateOk | Indicates the MAPI property PR_REMOTE_VALIDATE_OK. |
RenderingPosition | Indicates the MAPI property PR_RENDERING_POSITION. |
ReplyRecipientEntries | Indicates the MAPI property PR_REPLY_RECIPIENT_ENTRIES. |
ReplyRecipientNames | Indicates the MAPI property PR_REPLY_RECIPIENT_NAMES. |
ReplyRequested | Indicates the MAPI property PR_REPLY_REQUESTED. |
ReplyTime | Indicates the MAPI property PR_REPLY_TIME. |
ReportEntryId | Indicates the MAPI property PR_REPORT_ENTRYID. |
ReportingDlName | Indicates the MAPI property PR_REPORTING_DL_NAME. |
ReportingMtaCertificate | Indicates the MAPI property PR_REPORTING_MTA_CERTIFICATE. |
ReportName | Indicates the MAPI property PR_REPORT_NAME. |
ReportSearchKey | Indicates the MAPI property PR_REPORT_SEARCH_KEY. |
ReportTag | Indicates the MAPI property PR_REPORT_TAG. |
ReportText | Indicates the MAPI property PR_REPORT_TEXT. |
ReportTime | Indicates the MAPI property PR_REPORT_TIME. |
RequestedDeliveryMethod | Indicates the MAPI property PR_REQUESTED_DELIVERY_METHOD. |
ResourceFlags | Indicates the MAPI property PR_RESOURCE_FLAGS. |
ResourceMethods | Indicates the MAPI property PR_RESOURCE_METHODS. |
ResourcePath | Indicates the MAPI property PR_RESOURCE_PATH. |
ResourceType | Indicates the MAPI property PR_RESOURCE_TYPE. |
ResponseRequested | Indicates the MAPI property PR_RESPONSE_REQUESTED. |
Responsibility | Indicates the MAPI property PR_RESPONSIBILITY. |
ReturnedIpm | Indicates the MAPI property PR_RETURNED_IPM. |
Rowid | Indicates the MAPI property PR_ROWID. |
RowType | Indicates the MAPI property PR_ROW_TYPE. |
RtfCompressed | Indicates the MAPI property PR_RTF_COMPRESSED. |
RtfInSync | Indicates the MAPI property PR_RTF_IN_SYNC. |
RtfSyncBodyCount | Indicates the MAPI property PR_RTF_SYNC_BODY_COUNT. |
RtfSyncBodyCrc | Indicates the MAPI property PR_RTF_SYNC_BODY_CRC. |
RtfSyncBodyTag | Indicates the MAPI property PR_RTF_SYNC_BODY_TAG. |
RtfSyncPrefixCount | Indicates the MAPI property PR_RTF_SYNC_PREFIX_COUNT. |
RtfSyncTrailingCount | Indicates the MAPI property PR_RTF_SYNC_TRAILING_COUNT. |
Search | Indicates the MAPI property PR_SEARCH. |
SearchKey | Indicates the MAPI property PR_SEARCH_KEY. |
Security | Indicates the MAPI property PR_SECURITY. |
Selectable | Indicates the MAPI property PR_SELECTABLE. |
SenderAddrtype | Indicates the MAPI property PR_SENDER_ADDRTYPE. |
SenderEmailAddress | Indicates the MAPI property PR_SENDER_EMAIL_ADDRESS. |
SenderEntryId | Indicates the MAPI property PR_SENDER_ENTRYID. |
SenderName | Indicates the MAPI property PR_SENDER_NAME. |
SenderSearchKey | Indicates the MAPI property PR_SENDER_SEARCH_KEY. |
SendInternetEncoding | Indicates the MAPI property PR_SEND_INTERNET_ENCODING. |
SendRecallReport | Indicates the property on IPM.Outlook.Recall messages. |
SendRichInfo | Indicates the MAPI property PR_SEND_RICH_INFO. |
Sensitivity | Indicates the MAPI property PR_SENSITIVITY. |
SentmailEntryId | Indicates the MAPI property PR_SENTMAIL_ENTRYID. |
SentRepresentingAddrtype | Indicates the MAPI property PR_SENT_REPRESENTING_ADDRTYPE. |
SentRepresentingEmailAddress | Indicates the MAPI property PR_SENT_REPRESENTING_EMAIL_ADDRESS. |
SentRepresentingEntryId | Indicates the MAPI property PR_SENT_REPRESENTING_ENTRYID. |
SentRepresentingName | Indicates the MAPI property PR_SENT_REPRESENTING_NAME. |
SentRepresentingSearchKey | Indicates the MAPI property PR_SENT_REPRESENTING_SEARCH_KEY. |
ServiceDeleteFiles | Indicates the MAPI property PR_SERVICE_DELETE_FILES. |
ServiceDllName | Indicates the MAPI property PR_SERVICE_DLL_NAME. |
ServiceEntryName | Indicates the MAPI property PR_SERVICE_ENTRY_NAME. |
ServiceExtraUids | Indicates the MAPI property PR_SERVICE_EXTRA_UIDS. |
ServiceName | Indicates the MAPI property PR_SERVICE_NAME. |
Services | Indicates the MAPI property PR_SERVICES. |
ServiceSupportFiles | Indicates the MAPI property PR_SERVICE_SUPPORT_FILES. |
ServiceUid | Indicates the MAPI property PR_SERVICE_UID. |
SevenBitDisplayName | Indicates the MAPI property PR_SEVEN_BIT_DISPLAY_NAME. |
SmtpAddress | Indicates the MAPI property PR_SMTP_ADDRESS. |
SpoolerStatus | Indicates the MAPI property PR_SPOOLER_STATUS. |
SpouseName | Indicates the MAPI property PR_SPOUSE_NAME. |
StartDate | Indicates the MAPI property PR_START_DATE. |
StateOrProvince | Indicates the MAPI property PR_STATE_OR_PROVINCE. |
Status | Indicates the MAPI property PR_STATUS. |
StatusCode | Indicates the MAPI property PR_STATUS_CODE. |
StatusString | Indicates the MAPI property PR_STATUS_STRING. |
StoreEntryId | Indicates the MAPI property PR_STORE_ENTRYID. |
StoreProviders | Indicates the MAPI property PR_STORE_PROVIDERS. |
StoreRecordKey | Indicates the MAPI property PR_STORE_RECORD_KEY. |
StoreState | Indicates the MAPI property PR_STORE_STATE. |
StoreSupportMask | Indicates the MAPI property PR_STORE_SUPPORT_MASK. |
StreetAddress | Indicates the MAPI property PR_STREET_ADDRESS. |
Subfolders | Indicates the MAPI property PR_SUBFOLDERS. |
Subject | Indicates the MAPI property PR_SUBJECT. |
SubjectIpm | Indicates the MAPI property PR_SUBJECT_IPM. |
SubjectPrefix | Indicates the MAPI property PR_SUBJECT_PREFIX. |
SubmitFlags | Indicates the MAPI property PR_SUBMIT_FLAGS. |
Supersedes | Indicates the MAPI property PR_SUPERSEDES. |
SupplementaryInfo | Indicates the MAPI property PR_SUPPLEMENTARY_INFO. |
Surname | Indicates the MAPI property PR_SURNAME. |
TelexNumber | Indicates the MAPI property PR_TELEX_NUMBER. |
Templateid | Indicates the MAPI property PR_TEMPLATEID. |
Title | Indicates the MAPI property PR_TITLE. |
TnefCorrelationKey | Indicates the MAPI property PR_TNEF_CORRELATION_KEY. |
TransmitableDisplayName | Indicates the MAPI property PR_TRANSMITABLE_DISPLAY_NAME. |
TransportKey | Indicates the MAPI property PR_TRANSPORT_KEY. |
TransportMessageHeaders | Indicates the MAPI property PR_TRANSPORT_MESSAGE_HEADERS. |
TransportProviders | Indicates the MAPI property PR_TRANSPORT_PROVIDERS. |
TransportStatus | Indicates the MAPI property PR_TRANSPORT_STATUS. |
TtytddPhoneNumber | Indicates the MAPI property PR_TTYTDD_PHONE_NUMBER. |
TypeOfMtsUser | Indicates the MAPI property PR_TYPE_OF_MTS_USER. |
UserCertificate | Indicates the MAPI property PR_USER_CERTIFICATE. |
UserX509Certificate | Indicates the MAPI property PR_USER_X509_CERTIFICATE. |
ValidFolderMask | Indicates the MAPI property PR_VALID_FOLDER_MASK. |
ViewsEntryId | Indicates the MAPI property PR_VIEWS_ENTRYID. |
WeddingAnniversary | Indicates the MAPI property PR_WEDDING_ANNIVERSARY. |
X400ContentType | Indicates the MAPI property PR_X400_CONTENT_TYPE. |
X400DeferredDeliveryCancel | Indicates the MAPI property PR_X400_DEFERRED_DELIVERY_CANCEL. |
Xpos | Indicates the MAPI property PR_XPOS. |
Ypos | Indicates the MAPI property PR_YPOS. |
Development Platforms
Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 2 (SP2), Windows Server 2003,
Target Platforms
Windows Server 2003