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RoutingAgentFactory Members

The RoutingAgentFactory class produces instances of the RoutingAgent class that are used to extend transport behavior.

The following tables list the members exposed by the RoutingAgentFactory type.

Protected Constructors

  Name Description
RoutingAgentFactory The RoutingAgentFactory constructor initializes a new instance of the RoutingAgentFactory class.


Public Methods

(see also Protected Methods )

  Name Description
Aa564108.pubmethod(en-us,EXCHG.80).gif Close  When overridden in a derived class, the Close method releases all resources used by the derived class.(inherited from AgentFactory)
Aa564108.pubmethod(en-us,EXCHG.80).gif CreateAgent When overridden in a derived class, the CreateAgent method returns an instance of a routing agent.
Aa564108.pubmethod(en-us,EXCHG.80).gif Equals  Overloaded. (inherited from Object )
Aa564108.pubmethod(en-us,EXCHG.80).gif GetHashCode  (inherited from Object )
Aa564108.pubmethod(en-us,EXCHG.80).gif GetType  (inherited from Object )
Aa564108.pubmethod(en-us,EXCHG.80).gifAa564108.static(en-us,EXCHG.80).gif ReferenceEquals  (inherited from Object )
Aa564108.pubmethod(en-us,EXCHG.80).gif ToString  (inherited from Object )


Protected Methods

  Name Description
Aa564108.protmethod(en-us,EXCHG.80).gif Finalize  (inherited from Object )
Aa564108.protmethod(en-us,EXCHG.80).gif MemberwiseClone  (inherited from Object )
