Getting Well-Known Mailbox Folder URLs
Getting Well-Known Mailbox Folder URLs
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Each user's mailbox folder has a set of properties that you can use to retrieve URLs for well-known subfolders such as Inbox, Calendar, Drafts, and Tasks. Additionally, you can retrieve the Microsoft® Exchange mail submission Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that is used to send messages through WebDAV or the Exchange OLE DB (ExOLEDB) provider. The returned URLs are localized into the language that is used by the client.
The following table lists the properties that return these URLs and that are retrieved from a user's root mailbox folder.
Property | Well-known folder (English) |
urn:schemas:httpmail:calendar | Calendar |
urn:schemas:httpmail:contacts | Contacts |
urn:schemas:httpmail:deleteditems | Deleted Items |
urn:schemas:httpmail:drafts | Drafts |
urn:schemas:httpmail:inbox | Inbox |
urn:schemas:httpmail:journal | Journal |
urn:schemas:httpmail:notes | Notes |
urn:schemas:httpmail:outbox | Outbox |
urn:schemas:httpmail:sentitems | Sent Items |
urn:schemas:httpmail:tasks | Tasks |
urn:schemas:httpmail:sendmsg | Exchange Mail Submission URI |
urn:schemas:httpmail:msgfolderroot | Mailbox folder (root) |
To access these properties:
- Bind to the user's root mailbox folder. You can either request the server and username from the client to construct this initial URL or search Microsoft Active Directory® for the user's homeMDB attribute. From the value of this attribute, you can get the server on which the user's private mailbox is stored.
- Use the values of these properties to bind to these folders in a mailbox folder.
<Job id="printMailboxURLs"> <reference object="ADODB.Record"/> <reference object="CDO.Message"/> <script language="VBScript"> userName = WScript.Arguments.Item(0) set info = createobject("adsysteminfo") set infoNT = CreateObject("WinNTSystemInfo") urls = getStdWellKnownMailboxURLs("http://" & lcase(infoNT.ComputerName) & "." & _ Info.domaindnsname & "/exchange/" & userName, _ "ExOLEDB.DataSource") wscript.echo "Well-known mailbox file: URLs for local mailbox: " & userName wscript.echo "========================================" For i = LBound(urls) to UBound(urls) step 2 wscript.stdout.write urls(i) if Len(urls(i)) > 7 then wscript.stdout.write vbTab else wscript.stdout.write vbTab & vbTab end if wscript.stdout.write urls(i+1) & vbCrLf next Function getStdWellKnownMailboxURLs( mailboxFolderURL, provider ) If Not TypeName(mailboxFolderURL) = "String" Then Err.Raise &H80070057 ' E_INVALIDARG End If Dim Rec Set Rec = CreateObject("ADODB.Record") Dim Conn Set Conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") Conn.Provider = provider Conn.Open mailboxFolderURL Rec.Open mailboxFolderURL, Conn Set Flds = Rec.Fields ' The constants used here are defined in the CDOEx.dll type library. ' They are imported using the <reference> element above. getStdWellKnownMailboxURLs = Array( _ "Calendar" , Flds(cdoCalendarFolderURL), _ "Contacts" , Flds(cdoContactFolderURL), _ "DeletedIt", Flds(cdoDeletedItems), _ "Inbox" , Flds(cdoInbox), _ "Journal" , Flds(cdoJournal), _ "MsgRoot" , Flds(cdoMsgFolderRoot), _ "Notes" , Flds(cdoNotes), _ "Outbox" , Flds(cdoOutbox), _ "SendMsg" , Flds(cdoSendMsg), _ "SendItems", Flds(cdoSentItems), _ "Tasks" , Flds(cdoTasks) ) ' Clean up. Conn.Close Rec.Close Set Conn = Nothing Set Rec = Nothing End Function </script> </Job>
#import <msado15.dll> no_namespace #import <c:\program files\common files\microsoft shared\cdo\cdoex.dll> no_namespace #include <iostream.h> // Note: It is recommended that all input parameters be validated when they are // first obtained from the user or user interface. void printMailboxFolders(bstr_t mailtoUrl) { IMailboxPtr iMbx; try { iMbx = getIMailbox(mailtoUrl); } catch(_com_error e) { throw e; } cout << "BaseFolder: " << iMbx->BaseFolder << endl; cout << "Inbox: " << iMbx->Inbox << endl; cout << "Calendar: " << iMbx->Calendar << endl; cout << "Drafts: " << iMbx->Drafts << endl; //... IDataSourcePtr iDsrc; iDsrc = iMbx; cout << iDsrc->SourceURL << endl; _RecordPtr Rec(__uuidof(Record)); _ConnectionPtr Conn(__uuidof(Connection)); Conn->Provider = "ExOLEDB.DataSource"; bstr_t sSendMsgUrl; try { Conn->Open(iMbx->BaseFolder, bstr_t(),bstr_t(), -1); Rec->Open(iMbx->BaseFolder, variant_t((IDispatch*)Conn, true), adModeRead, adFailIfNotExists, adOpenRecordUnspecified, bstr_t(), bstr_t()); sSendMsgUrl = bstr_t(Rec->Fields->Item["urn:schemas:httpmail:sendmsg"]->Value); } catch(_com_error e) { cout << "Error binding to user's base mailbox folder. " << endl; throw e; } cout << "Mail Submission URI: " << sSendMsgUrl << endl; // Close the connection and record. Conn->Close(); Rec->Close(); Rec = NULL; Conn = NULL; } // Note: It is recommended that all input parameters be validated when they are // first obtained from the user or user interface. IMailboxPtr getIMailbox( bstr_t mailtoUrl) { IPersonPtr Per(__uuidof(Person)); IDataSourcePtr Dsrc; Dsrc = Per; try { Dsrc->Open(mailtoUrl, NULL, adModeRead, adFailIfNotExists, adOpenRecordUnspecified, bstr_t(),bstr_t()); } catch(_com_error e) { throw e; } return Per; }
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