Moving Items
Moving Items
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To move items within a public store, use the Record.MoveRecord method. If you move a folder item, all items within the folder are also moved. You cannot use the Record.MoveRecord method to move items from one public store or mailbox store to another.
' Variables. Dim Rec Dim Conn Dim NewURL Dim UrlFrom Dim UrlTo UrlFrom = "https://server/public/folder1/test.eml" UrlTo = "https://server/public/folder2/test.eml" ' Open the connection object. Set Conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") Conn.Provider = "ExOLEDB.DataSource" Conn.Open UrlFrom ' Open the record object. Set Rec = CreateObject("ADODB.Record") Rec.Open URLFrom, Conn, adModeReadWrite ' Move the item. Note that if an item ' already exists at the destination URI, ' it will be overwritten by the move. NewURL = Rec.MoveRecord( , URLTo, , , adMoveOverWrite) ' Clean up. Rec.Close Conn.Close
#import <msado15.dll> no_namespace #import <cdoex.dll> no_namespace // Variables. _RecordPtr Rec(__uuidof(Record)); _ConnectionPtr Conn(__uuidof(Connection)); bstr_t urlfrom = "https://server/public/folder/test.eml"; bstr_t urlto = "http:/server/public/folder2/test.eml"; Conn->Provider = "ExOLEDB.DataSource"; cout << urlfrom << endl; try { // Open the connection. Conn->Open(urlfrom, bstr_t(""), bstr_t(""),-1); } catch(_com_error e) { // Handle error or throw. throw e; } try { // Open the record. Rec->Open( variant_t(urlfrom), variant_t((IDispatch*)Conn, true), adModeReadWrite, adFailIfNotExists, adOpenSource, bstr_t(""), bstr_t("")); } catch(_com_error e) { // Handle error or throw. throw e; } try { // Move the item. Note that if an item // already exists at the destination URI, // it will be overwritten by the move. Rec->MoveRecord( bstr_t(), urlto, bstr_t(), bstr_t(), (MoveRecordOptionsEnum)adMoveOverWrite, VARIANT_FALSE); } catch(_com_error e) { // Handle error or throw. throw e; } // Clean up. Rec->Close(); Conn->Close();
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