Using the Interfaces in Context
Using the Interfaces in Context
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The CDO for Exchange Management (CDOEXM) recipient interfaces (IMailRecipient and IMailboxStore) are aggregated into existing Collaboration Data Objects (CDO) and Active Directory® Service Interfaces (ADSI) classes.
For important information about accessing recipient mailboxes and folders by using ADSI or Exchange OLE DB (ExOLEDB), see Accessing Mailboxes and Folders.
The following example demonstrates the coordinated use of the CDO.Person interface (and its underlying object) with the IMailboxStore interface to create a mailbox-enabled recipient. The example uses the CreateUserURL function, which is described in the topic Creating a User URL.
Visual Basic
Sub CreateMailboxCDOPerson(strFirstName As String, _ strLastName As String, _ strHomeMDBUrl As String) 'strHomeMDBUrl should look like this 'strHomeMDBUrl = "CN=Mailbox Store (MYSTORE),CN=First Storage Group, ' CN=InformationStore,CN=MYSTORE,CN=Servers, ' CN=First Administrative Group,CN=Administrative Groups, ' CN=IASI,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration, ' DC=mydomain,DC=fourthcoffee,DC=com" Dim oPerson As New CDO.Person Dim oMailbox As CDOEXM.IMailboxStore Dim strUserName As String Dim strURL As String Dim strContainerName As String strUserName = strFirstName & strLastName strContainerName = "Users" ' Create URL for the user CreateUserURL strURL, strContainerName, False, strUserName oPerson.FirstName = strFirstName oPerson.LastName = strLastName oPerson.DataSource.SaveTo strURL ' Create Mailbox Set oMailbox = oPerson oMailbox.CreateMailbox strHomeMDBUrl ' Save oPerson.DataSource.Save 'CleanUp Set oPerson = Nothing Set oMailbox = Nothing End Sub
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Build: June 2007 (2007.618.1)
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