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Item Property

Item Property

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Provides access to an individual member of the collection. This property is read-only.

Applies To

IMembers Interface

Type Library

Microsoft CDO Workflow Objects for Microsoft Exchange

DLL Implemented In



[Visual Basic]Property Item(Index As Variant) As IMember

[C++]HRESULT get_Item(VARIANT** IndexIMember** ppMember);


  • Index
    Returns the value of the collection index as a reference to a VARIANT.
  • ppMember
    Returned reference to an IMember Interface.


varIndex is a string or onebased ordinal number. If it is a string, it represents either an email address or a folder role. Email addresses must be in the form Valid role identifiers include "Role1", "Role2", ... , "Role16". This is the default property of the IMembers collection so you do not have to reference it explicitly when using the IMembers collection (ItemAuthors or ItemReaders).


This example uses the Item property to determine if the email address is a member of the IWorkflowSession interface, ItemAuthors collection. If the email address is a member of the ItemAuthors collection, the script gives that member exclusive read access to the workflow item.

emAddress = "" if not (WorkflowSession.ItemAuthors(emAddress) is nothing) then WorkflowSession.ItemReaders.Clear WorkflowSession.ItemReaders.Add emAddress end if

See Also

ItemReaders Property

ItemAuthors Property

IMember Interface

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Build: June 2007 (2007.618.1)

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