Using Relative URLs
Using Relative URLs
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When using the Exchange OLE DB (ExOLEDB) provider, all operations on items in a particular public store or mailbox store run in an OLE DB session. After this session has been established with a particular store, you can refer to items in that store by using relative URLs. These operations are called scoped operations, the scope being the folder tree residing in that particular store. With HTTP: URLs, the relative URLs must include the entire path, starting from the root virtual directory. With File: URLs, the path starts with the first folder below the top-level folder. You can also use relative URLs when you construct Structured Query Language (SQL) queries for folders in a store.
With Microsoft® ActiveX® Data Objects (ADO), the OLE DB session object that houses the current session information is wrapped using an instance of an ADO Connection object. After you have established the session (Connection) to a particular store, you can then dispense with generating the fully qualified URL for items in that store when you use ADO Record and Recordset objects.
For example, the following functions demonstrate this functionality in a public store:
- The getConnection function returns an ADO Connection object that is connected to a particular store. To create the Connection using The File: URL Scheme, you need only specify the name of the top-level public folder within that store. The fully qualified domain name is retrieved using the ADSystemInfo object. This is all the information you need to connect to a public folder tree in a public store. However, for mailboxes, you also need the user's alias.
- The getRecord_ro function returns a read-only ADO Record object bound to the item specified using a relative URL in a particular store. The caller can pass either an open Connection object or the name of the top-level public folder. In the latter case, the function uses the getConnection function internally to retrieve a Connection to the store identified by the specified top-level public folder.
- The getRecord_rw function returns a read-write ADO Record object bound to the item specified using a relative URL. The caller can pass either an open Connection object or the name of the top-level public folder. In the latter case, it uses the getConnection function internally to retrieve a Connection to the store identified by the specified top-level public folder.
Const adModeReadWrite = 3 Dim Info 'As String Dim InfoNT Dim Domain 'As String Dim Url 'As String Dim relUrl 'As String Dim Conn 'As ADODB.Connection Set InfoNT = CreateObject("WinNTSystemInfo") Set Info = CreateObject("ADSystemInfo") Set Conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") relUrl = "/public/test.eml" Url = "http://" & lcase(InfoNT.ComputerName) & "." & Info.DomainDNSName & relUrl wscript.echo Url Conn.Provider = "ExOLEDB.DataSource" Conn.Open Url Conn.Close ' getRecord_ro ' ' vSource is either the name of a top-level public folder or ' an open ADO Connection object. ' RelURI is the relative URI to an item within the store ' Function getRecord_ro( relURL, Conn ) If not VarType(relUrl) = vbString And ( (TypeName(Conn) = "Connection") Or (TypeName(Conn) = "Nothing") ) Then Err.Raise &H80070057 ' E_INVALIDARG End If Dim Rec Set Rec = CreateObject("ADODB.Record") If Not TypeName(vSource) = "Connection" Then Set Conn = getConnection(relUrl) End If Rec.Open relURL, Conn Set getRecord_ro = Rec End Function ' getRecord_rw ' vSource is either the name of a top-level public folder or ' an open ADO Connection object. ' RelURI is the relative URI to an item within the store ' Function getRecord_rw(relURL, Conn ) If not VarType(relUrl) = vbString And ( (TypeName(Conn) = "Connection") Or (TypeName(Conn) = "Nothing") ) Then Err.Raise &H80070057 ' E_INVALIDARG End If Dim Rec Set Rec = CreateObject("ADODB.Record") If Not TypeName(Conn) = "Connection" Then Set Conn = getConnection(relUrl) End If Rec.Open relURL, Conn, adModeReadWrite Set getRecord_rw = Rec End Function
Assume that you have a folder called "test1" below your Public Folders top-level folder in a public store, and an item in "test1" called "item1.txt". To access the folder and the item, you could use these functions in the following way:
Const adDefaultStream = -1 Dim Conn Dim Rec Dim Rec2 Set Conn = getConnection("/apps") Set Rec = getRecord_rw("/apps/test1/Schema", Conn) Set Rec2 = getRecord_ro("/apps/test1/item1.txt", Conn) WScript.Echo Rec.Fields("DAV:href") Wscript.Echo Rec.Fields("DAV:contentclass") wscript.echo WScript.Echo Rec2.Fields("DAV:href") wscript.echo Rec2.fields("DAV:contentclass") Set Stm = Rec2.Fields(adDefaultStream).Value stm.charset = "us-ascii" WScript.Echo Stm.readText
Note that the string "Public Folders" does not appear in the relative URL. This name is used to connect to the appropriate public folder tree. After you have connected, you no longer need to specify this information in your relative URLs.
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Build: June 2007 (2007.618.1)
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