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About the Windows Media Device Manager SDK

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The Microsoft® Windows Media® Device Manager Software Development Kit (SDK) enables developers to create applications that can transfer audio files from any media player based on the Windows Media Format SDK to any portable audio player that uses a service provider plug-in based on the Windows Media Device Manager SDK.

For example, you can use the SDK to:

  • Manage the distribution of files as they are transferred between a media player on a computer and a portable audio player.
  • Write plug-ins, called service providers, that allow devices made by independent hardware vendors to function within the Windows Media Device Manager framework.

This general introduction contains the following sections.

Section Description
Overview of the Windows Media Device Manager SDK An introduction to the SDK and the general applications for which it can used.
Windows Media Device Manager Architecture A diagram that shows how Windows Media Device Manager and the service provider plug-in work together to transfer content from a media player to a portable device.
Windows Media Device Manager Hierarchy A diagram that shows the hierarchy of all the interfaces and objects in Windows Media Device Manager.
Service Provider Hierarchy A diagram that shows the hierarchy of all the interfaces and objects of a service provider.
What Is New A diagram that shows the new updates from the previous version and a list of interfaces for the current version.
Privacy Statement Information about the need for privacy statements in applications that are based on the Windows Media Device Manager SDK.
For More Information Related information available outside this SDK.

See Also