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Implementing Pane Help in .NET Passport

All of Microsoft® .NET Passports Help content is displayed using the Pane Help technology currently in use by MSN® and MSN Hotmail®.

Pane Help provides a simple, easy-to-understand way for users to obtain assistance in almost any .NET Passport-related context. All Pane Help content is served from the domain, which the Pane Help team administers and owns. The code base that forms the interface for all Pane Help projects on the server is common; the items that are unique for each project are the content that appears within the framework of the interface.

This documentation is for use by participating sites that want to link to .NET Passport's Pane Help. As noted above, the content is generated only by .NET Passport; you cannot add additional material to Pane Help.

A database is used to associate multiple keywords with each topic. When you pass in a keyword, a small table of contents containing the topics associated with that keyword appears, allowing you to choose the specific topic you want from that list.

First, though, you need some additional information to insert into your code.

Location and LCID List

The following table provides the appropriate locale IDs (LCIDs) and location names required by Pane Help to provide the topic you want in the language of your users. These entries are not unique to .NET Passport, but are provided here for your convenience.

Pane Help and Linking to Topics

.NET Passport's implementation of Pane Help is relatively simple and straightforward. As the code snippet at the end of this topic reveals, "secret keywords" establish the link between the .NET Passport page and a brief table of contents from which a specific topic can be selected.

The tables below enumerate these keywords according to the category of page. The first table contains keywords associated with the Registration server Help pages; the second has the keywords associated with the Login server Help pages; and the third table contains the keywords for pages associated with Member Services.

Passport 2.5 Pane Help—Registration Server Pages

The following table lists the Pane Help keywords for pages associated with the .NET Passport Registration server.

Page name Keyword (H_KEY) Help subject string
Registration ppRegEASI For help with .NET Passport registration, click a topic:
Registration ppRegEASIErr For help with .NET Passport registration, click a topic:
Registration ppRegEASIcookie For help with .NET Passport registration, click a topic:
Registration ppRegEASIcookieErr For help with .NET Passport registration, click a topic:
Registration ppRegHM For help with .NET Passport registration, click a topic:
Registration ppRegHMErrI For help with .NET Passport registration, click a topic:
Registration ppRegHMAltNames For help with .NET Passport registration, click a topic:
Registration ppRegHMAltNamesErr For help with .NET Passport registration, click a topic:
Congratulations ppRegCongrats REMOVE HELP LINK
You are already signed in ppExpLoggedIn For help with .NET Passport sign-in, click a topic:
Unknown server error ppExpUnknownSerErr (intentionally blank)
Passport security key
registration (Step 1)
ppSecKeyReg For help with the .NET Passport security key, click a topic:
Passport security key
registration (Step 1)
ppSecKeyRegErr For help with the .NET Passport security key, click a topic:
Passport security key
registration (Step 2)
ppSecKeyRetype For help with the .NET Passport security key, click a topic:
Passport security key
registration (Step 2)
ppSecKeyRetypeErr For help with the .NET Passport security key, click a topic:
Complete your Passport registration ppExistingMember For help with .NET Passport registration, click a topic:

.NET Passport 2.5 Pane Help—Login Server Pages

The following table lists the Pane Help keywords for pages associated with the .NET Passport Login server.

Page name Keyword (H_KEY) Help subject string
Please sign in ppLogin For help with .NET Passport sign-in, click a topic:
Please try again later ppLockedOut For help with .NET Passport sign-in, click a topic:
Account locked ppAcctLocked For help with .NET Passport sign-in, click a topic:
Cookies disabled ppCookiesDisabled For help with .NET Passport sign-in, click a topic:
Invalid site ID ppInvalidSiteID For help with .NET Passport sign-in, click a topic:
Need birth date ppNeedBirthdate For help with .NET Passport sign-in, click a topic:
Switch user ppSwitchUser For help with .NET Passport sign-in, click a topic:
Member does not exist ppErrMemberNotExist For help with .NET Passport sign-in, click a topic:
Passport Partner error ppTooManyReqs For help with .NET Passport sign-in, click a topic:
Sign out ppLogout (intentionally blank)
Please sign in ppNeedCred For help with .NET Passport sign-in, click a topic:
Please sign in ppNeedMemberName For help with .NET Passport sign-in, click a topic:
Please sign in ppNeedPswd For help with .NET Passport sign-in, click a topic:
Please sign in ppNeedDomain For help with .NET Passport sign-in, click a topic:
Please sign in ppBadPswd For help with .NET Passport sign-in, click a topic:
Please sign in ppBadChar For help with .NET Passport sign-in, click a topic:
Please sign in ppBadMembername For help with .NET Passport sign-in, click a topic:
Please sign in ppHMMSNLogin For help with .NET Passport sign-in, click a topic:
Please sign in ppChkSpell For help with .NET Passport sign-in, click a topic:
Add your phone number ppAddPhone For help with using .NET Passport on mobile devices, click a topic:
Add your phone number ppAddPhoneErr For help with using .NET Passport on mobile devices, click a topic:
Phone number added ppAddPhoneSucc For help with using .NET Passport on mobile devices, click a topic:
Passport security key sign-in ppSecKeySignin For help with the .NET Passport security key, click a topic:
Security Key Site ID Not Valid ppSecInvalidSiteID For help with the .NET Passport security key, click a topic:
Passport security key sign-in ppSecKeySigninErr For help with resetting your .NET Passport security key, click a topic:

.NET Passport 2.5 Pane Help—Member Services Server Pages

The following table lists the Pane Help keywords for pages associated with the .NET Passport Member Services server.

Page name Keyword (H_KEY) Help subject string
Reset your security key ppSecKeyReset For help with resetting your .NET Passport security key, click a topic:
Reset your security key ppSecKeyResetErr For help with resetting your .NET Passport security key, click a topic:
Please contact us ppSecKeyResetLockout For help with resetting your .NET Passport security key, click a topic:
Reset your password (Step 1) ppPswdReset1 For help with resetting your .NET Passport password, click a topic:
Reset your password (Step 1) ppPswdReset1Err For help with resetting your .NET Passport password, click a topic:
Reset your password (Step 2) ppPswdReset2 For help with resetting your .NET Passport password, click a topic:
Reset your password (Step 2) ppPswdReset2Err For help with resetting your .NET Passport password, click a topic:
Password reset canceled ppPswdResetLockout For help with resetting your .NET Passport password, click a topic:
Password reset ppPswdResetSucc For help with resetting your .NET Passport password, click a topic:
Reset your password by e-mail ppEmailPswdReset Remove Help Link
Password reset e-mail sent ppEmailPswdResetSent Remove Help Link
Problem sending password reset e-mail ppEmailPswdResetNotSent Remove Help Link
Reset your password ppEmailPswdReset2 Remove Help Link
Cannot reset password by e-mail ppEmailPswdResetNotPoss Remove Help Link
Password reset canceled ppEmailPswdResetCancl Remove Help Link
Change your secret question ppChangeSQ For help with changing your .NET Passport secret question, click a topic:
Change your secret question ppChangeSQErr For help with changing your .NET Passport secret question, click a topic:
Secret question changed ppChangeSQSucc For help with changing your .NET Passport secret question, click a topic:
Change your password ppChangePW For help with changing your .NET Passport password, click a topic:
Change your password ppChangePWErr For help with changing your .NET Passport password, click a topic:
Password changed ppChangePWSucc For help with changing your .NET Passport password, click a topic:
Change your phone number and PIN ppChangePhone For Help with using .NET Passport on mobile devices, click a topic:
Change your phone number and PIN ppChangePhoneErr For Help with using .NET Passport on mobile devices, click a topic:
Phone number and PIN changed ppChangePhoneSucc For Help with using .NET Passport on mobile devices, click a topic:
Your .NET Passport profile ppEditProf For Help with your .NET Passport profile, click a topic:
Your .NET Passport profile ppEditProfErr For Help with your .NET Passport profile, click a topic:
Your .NET Passport profile ppEditProfHM For Help with your .NET Passport profile, click a topic:
Your .NET Passport profile ppEditProfErrHM For Help with your .NET Passport profile, click a topic:
Profile updated ppEditProfSucc For Help with your .NET Passport profile, click a topic:
Please sign in ppExpNotLoggedInEditProf For help with .NET Passport sign-in, click a topic:
.NET Passport Member Services ppMemServHome For help with .NET Passport Member Services, click a topic:

Passport 2.5 Pane Help—Close Account Pages

The following table lists the Pane Help keywords for pages associated with the .NET Passport Close Account pages.

Page name Keyword (H_KEY) Help subject string
Close Account ppDelErrMob For help with closing your account, click a topic:
Close Account ppDelXPwd For help with closing your account, click a topic:
Close Account ppDelNoPwd For help with closing your account, click a topic:
Close Account ppDelInfo For help with closing your account, click a topic:
Close Account ppDelEntrPwd For help with closing your account, click a topic:
Close Account ppDelCompl For help with closing your account, click a topic:
Close Account ppDelErrGen For help with closing your account, click a topic:
Close Account ppDelErrK For help with closing your account, click a topic:
Close Account ppDelErrLck For help with closing your account, click a topic:
Close Account ppDelErrAcctMgr For help with closing your account, click a topic:
Close Account ppDelErrMSN For help with closing your account, click a topic:
Close Account ppDelErrHM For help with closing your account, click a topic:
Close Account ppDelErrSubscrip For help with closing your account, click a topic:
Close Account ppDelErrUnaMSN For help with closing your account, click a topic:

Passport 2.5 Pane Help—Verify Your Passport Pages

The following table lists the Pane Help keywords for pages associated with the .NET Passport Verify Your Passport pages.

Page name Keyword (H_KEY)
Verify ppValWrnK
Verify ppValWrn
Verify ppValWrnBlk
Verify ppValInstru
Verify ppValEmSnt
Verify ppValPrevCompl
Verify ppValCncl
Verify ppValCnclCompl
Verify ppValPlsLgin
Verify ppValWrgLgin
Verify ppValVerCompl

Passport 2.5 Pane Help—Terms of Use Page

The following table lists the Pane Help keywords for pages associated with the .NET Passport Terms of Use page.

Page name Keyword (H_KEY)
Legal/TOU ppFrcdTrmOUs

Passport 2.5 Pane Help—Verify Youre An Adult Pages

The following table lists the Pane Help keywords for pages associated with the .NET Passport Verify You're an Adult pages.

Page name Keyword (H_KEY) Help subject string
KPP/Unkid ppKPPAOverv For help with verifying that you're an adult, click a topic:
KPP/Unkid ppKPPAReg For help with verifying that you're an adult, click a topic:
KPP/Unkid ppKPPAManag For help with verifying that you're an adult, click a topic:
KPP/Unkid ppKPPAGrntCons For help with verifying that you're an adult, click a topic:
KPP/Unkid ppKPPKReqPerm For help with verifying that you're an adult, click a topic:

Sample Code for Calling Pane Help Topics

To call .NET Passports Pane Help directly from your site, you can customize the following sample code. Two methods are provided in the following code.

The PPHelp method allows you to pass a keyword (as listed previously in this topic). Pane Help uses this keyword to find all appropriate topics, display them in a list, and allow the user to select the one that provides the information needed.

The PPHelpT method displays a topic specified in your code.

	<title>Pane Help Example</title>

Dim oMgr
Dim szPaneHelpBaseURL

'Create a Passport Manager Object
set oMgr = Server.CreateObject("Passport.Manager")

'Get the PaneHelp Base URL from Partner2.xml
szPaneHelpBaseURL = oMgr.GetDomainAttribute("PaneHelpBase",1033,"Default")


<script language="JavaScript">
  function PPHelp()
    var LCID = "%3Flc%3D1033";  //Replace 1033 with the appropriate LCID.

    var PHURL =  "<%=szPaneHelpBaseURL%>/helpwindow.asp?INI=ppv2.ini&;";
        PHURL += "H_APP=Microsoft%20Passport&SearchTerm;=ppLogin&;";
        PHURL += "S_Text=Microsoft%20Passport%20Signin%20Help&;";
        PHURL += "H_VER=1.5&v3;=" + LCID;

    var WINDOWATTRIBS =  "toolbar=0,status=0,menubar=0,width=100,"
        WINDOWATTRIBS += "height=100,left=100,top=2000,resizable=0"

    // Replace ppLogin and Microsoft%20Passport%20Signin%20Help 
    // with the appropriate keyword and text (PH for-help-on string) chosen 
    // from the preceding list.,"_helpdriver",WINDOWATTRIBS);
  function PPHelpT()
    var LCID = "%3Flc%3D1033"; //Replace 1033 with the appropriate LCID.

    var PHURL =  "<%=szPaneHelpBaseURL%>/helpwindow.asp?INI=ppv2.ini&;";
        PHURL += "H_APP=Microsoft%20Passport&;";
        PHURL += "Topic=PPHWHATISPP.HTM&H;_VER=1.5&v3;=" + LCID;

    var WINDOWATTRIBS =  "toolbar=0,status=0,menubar=0,width=100,"
        WINDOWATTRIBS += "height=100,left=100,top=2000,resizable=0"

    // Replace PPHWHATISPP.HTM with the appropriate topic from the preceding list.,"_helpdriver",WINDOWATTRIBS);

<h2>Pane Help Sample</h1><br>