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Passport LookupTable Object

Passport LookupTable Object

Important  The Passport LookupTable object is currently supported, but will be deprecated in future releases. Its use is discouraged.

The Passport LookupTable allows you to easily match geographical codes (GeoIDs) with their proper names using the data dictionaries included in the Microsoft .NET Passport Software Development Kit (SDK). GeoIDs are a standard for correlating localities throughout the world with a known list of integer identifier keys.

Passport LookupTable Properties

Count Indicates the number of key-value pairs in a loaded lookup table.
Key Indicates the key at the requested index within the dictionary file.
Value Indicates the entire field content of a key.

Passport LookupTable Methods

KeyExists Indicates whether or not the given key exists.
LoadValues Loads a text file into the Passport LookupTable object for use as a data source.
LookupValue Returns the value for the given key.


Stock implementation Passport LookupTable object.
Namespace mspplkup.dll
Platforms Windows 2000, Windows XP Professional, Windows Server family

See Also

GeoID Dictionaries