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.NET Passport Cobranding Style Sheets

You can modify virtually all of the basic HTML features on the Microsoft® .NET Passport pages by supplying a cascading style sheet. In .NET Passport 2.0, all cascading style sheet styles were renamed to eliminate conflicts with styles defined by participating sites. You can modify two aspects of .NET Passport pages: classes and general tags. Also, cobranding parameters and the language ID are passed on to the style sheet URL by means similar to the way in which the cobranding template receives these query strings. This is useful if the style sheet is intended to cobrand certain subsections of a site, or is intended for a particular character set. For more information, see Query Strings on the Style Sheet URL.

Note  In .NET Passport 2.0 and later, cascading style sheet control over colors has been removed from the sign-in module. Although the use of style sheets on any of the other modules is not restricted, participating sites should be aware of the potential problems they can introduce by changing colors on any module. Changing the colors generally degrades the appearance of the branding: a "ghost" effect appears because the logo is anti-aliased against a specific color. Changed colors also impair the user's ability to identify .NET Passport modules.

.NET Passport Style Classes

Some areas of .NET Passport pages use style classes that can be modified to fine-tune appearance. Each of these classes has been defined in the default .NET Passport style sheet. Any value you supply will override that default.

Classes Used on Login, Member Services, and Registration Pages

The following tables describe the classes that apply to pages served by the Login, Member Services, and Registration servers.


Member Services

.PPFooterTbl Color of footer area
.PPLineBreak Color of line break
.PPDynamicTbl Color of dynamic table
.PPFooterTxt Text style of footer text
.PPFooterTxt A Alternate style of footer text
.PPMSSectionTtl Text style of MS section title
.PPMSSectionTtl A Alternate text style of MS section title
.PPMSLinkTxt Text style of MS link text
.PPMSLinkTxt A Alternate text style of MS link text
.PPModuleBrd Color of module border
.PPModuleTtlTbl Color of module title table
.PPModuleTtlTxt Text style of module title
.PPHelpTxt A Text style of module Help link
.PPLogoInfoTbl Color of logo and descriptive text table
.PPDesTxt Text style of descriptive text
.PPDesTxt A Alternate text style of descriptive text
.PPSubDesTxt Text style of subdescriptive text
.PPSubDesTxt A Alternate text style of subdescriptive text
.PPDynamicTxt Text style of dynamic text
.PPDynamicTxt A Alternate text style of dynamic text
.PPRedDynamicTxt Text style of dynamic text
.PPRedDynamicTxt A Alternate text style of dynamic text
.PPCBTbl Color of cobranding table
.PPPageBG Color of page
.PPSignInHelpTbl Color of the border surrounding the button Help text
.PPSubTtlTxt Text style of subtitle text
.PPSubTtlTbl Color of subtitle table
.PPRIntTblBrd Color of the border surrounding the credentials UI
.PPRSbmtBtn Text style of sign-up button
.PPRTbl Background color of the .NET Passport registration UI
.PPRInfoTbl Background color of the information area
.PPRTblBrd Color of the border surrounding the .NET Passport registration UI
.PPRFtrTxt Text style of footer
.PPRFtrTxt A Alternate text style for footer
.PPRCredsTbl Background color of the credentials UI
.PPRErrorText Text style of the fields' error text
.PPRErrorText A Alternate text style of the fields' error text
.PPRLabelText Text style of the field label
.PPRLabelItalicText Italic text style of the field label
.PPRField Text style of the input box
.PPData Text style of the data
.PPRSmallLabelText Text style of the small text under the field label
.PPRHelpTxt Text style of the Help link
.PPRHelpTxt A Alternate text style of the Help link
.PPRHelpBG Background color of a Help area
.PPRText Text style of generic text in the .NET Passport registration UI
.PPRText A Alternate text style of generic text in the .NET Passport registration UI
.PPRSignInBdr Background color of the box that surrounds the .NET Passport button
.PPRTtlTbl Background color of the registration header area
.PPRTtlTxt Text style of title text
.PPNavSep Text style separator bar in MS cobranding
.PPNavUnSel Text style of nav text (unselected)
.PPNavUnSel A Alternate text style of nav text (unselected)
.PPNavSel Text style of nav text (selected)
.PPNavSel A Alternate text style of nav text (selected)


.PPModuleBrd Color of module border
.PPModuleTtlTbl Color of module title table
.PPModuleTtlTxt Text style of module title
.PPHelpTextArea Text style and color of Help text area
.PPHelpTextArea A Alternate text style and color of Help text area
.PPHelpTxt A Text style of module Help link
.PPDesTxt Text style of descriptive text
.PPDesTxt A Alternate text style of descriptive text
.PPSubDesTxt Text style of subdescriptive text
.PPSubDesTxt A Alternate text style of subdescriptive text
.PPLineBreak Color of line break
.PPDynamicTbl Color of dynamic table
.PPDynamicTxt Text style of dynamic text
.PPDynamicTxt A Text style of dynamic text
.PPPageBG Color of page
.PPFooterTbl Color of footer area
.PPFooterTxt Text style of footer text
.PPFooterTxt A Alternate text style of footer text
.PPSignInHelpTbl Color of the border surrounding the button Help text
.PPSubTtlTxt Text style of subtitle text
.PPSubTtlTbl Color of subtitle table
.PPSecKeyBdr Color of Security Key input fields
.PPSignInNameTxt Sign-in name Text
.PPSignInNameTxt A Alternate sign-in name text
.PPBoldDesTxt Text style of bold descriptive text
.PPBoldDesTxt A Alternate text style of bold descriptive text
.PPBoldRedDesTxt Text style of red bold descriptive text
.PPBoldItalicDesTxt Text style of italic bold descriptive text
.PPBoldRedItalicDesTxt Text style of italic bold descriptive text
.PPItalicTxt Text style of italic bold descriptive text
.PPRSbmtBtn Text style of sign-up button
.PPRTbl Background color of the .NET Passport registration UI
.PPRTblBrd Color of the border surrounding the .NET Passport registration UI
.PPRFtrTxt Text style of footer
.PPRFtrTxt A Alternate Text style of footer
.PPRErrorText Text style of fields' error text
.PPRLabelText Text style of field label
.PPRField Text style of input box
.PPCheckRadio Text style of radio and check boxes
.PPRSmallLabelText Text style of small text under the field label
.PPRHelpTxt Text style of Help link
.PPRHelpTxt A Alternate text style of Help link
.PPMSSectionTtl Text style of MS section title
.PPMSSectionTtl A Alternate text style of MS section title
.PPMSLinkTxt Text style of MS link text
.PPMSLinkTxt A Alternate text style of MS link text
.PPNavSep Text style separator bar in MS cobranding
.PPNavUnSel Text style of nav text (unselected)
.PPNavUnSel A Alternate text style of nav text (unselected)
.PPNavSel Text style of nav text (selected)
.PPNavSel A Alternate text style of nav text (selected)


In theory, you could modify any aspect of a page allowable by using a cascading style sheet; however, this table lists some recommendations.

Tag Description
bgcolor Overall page background color
A Hyperlink color
A: visited Pseudoclass for hyperlink color
A: hover Pseudoclass for hyperlink color

Style Sheets and Browser Compatibility

Most browsers support cascading style sheet. However, there are differences between browsers as to how styles are applied. Many sites that use style sheets also "sniff" for browser capability. If browser sniffing is required, build the appropriate code as script into the file pointed to by CoBrandCSSURL, so that different formatted text is returned for the style sheet based on the sniff result. For example, your CoBrandCSSURL could reference a server-side Active Server Pages (ASP) page that returns a file of the correct content type ("text/css").

To copy the latest version of the style sheet to use as the basis for your site's style sheet, go to the .NET Passport Style Sheet Template. You will need to download this file and save it on your server in order to use it as a template for your own site's style sheet.


  • For a good source of general style sheet documentation, see MSDN Online .
  • If a .css file is specified at registration time, that file must exist and be able to be served at all times. Some Netscape browser versions will hang or crash when attempting to load a .NET Passport network page that is trying to load a nonexistent or completely empty .css file (as specified by your site's information at the .NET Passport network). If you do not yet have a working .css file in place, contact .NET Passport operations and have them remove the attribute from your site's profile until your implementation is complete.
  • If the .css file is being called from an SSL-protected network page area, it will be called HTTPS. Therefore, if you are using SSL on those pages, your URL must be available through the same path, through either HTTP or HTTPS protocol, or the file may not be loaded.

See Also

.NET Passport Cobranding Overview | Query Strings on the Style Sheet URL | Cobranding Requirements at Registration Time