Pattern Track Form
The pattern track form can be a top-level form but is also found as data for a Track Form. It is organized as follows:
<styh-ck> // Style header chunk
<pttn-list> // The pattern
For information on <styh-ck>, see Style Form.
The <pattn-list> used in the pattern track is not the same as the one used in the Style Form. The pattern track version also contains part lists.
<pttn-list> -> LIST( 'pttn'
<ptnh-ck> // Pattern header chunk.
<rhtm-ck> // List of rhythms for chord matching.
<part-list>... // Array of parts in the pattern; see Style Form.
[<mtfs-ck>] // Motif settings chunk.
[<DMBD-form>] // Band to be associated with the pattern
// (for motifs).
<pref-list>... // Array of part reference IDs.