Partager via

DataSpace Object and CreateObject Method Example (VBScript)

The following example shows how to use the CreateObject method of the RDS.DataSpace with the default business object, RDSServer.DataFactory. To test this example, cut and paste this code between the <Body> and </Body> tags in a normal HTML document and name it DataSpaceVBS.asp. ASP script will identify your server.

<!-- BeginDataSpaceVBS -->
<!--use the following META tag instead of>
<!--METADATA TYPE="typelib" uuid="00000205-0000-0010-8000-00AA006D2EA4" -->
    <meta name="VI60_DefaultClientScript"  content=VBScript>
    <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0">
    <title>DataSpace Object and CreateObject Method Example (VBScript)</title>
body {
   font-family: 'Verdana','Arial','Helvetica',sans-serif;
.thead {
   background-color: #008080; 
   font-family: 'Verdana','Arial','Helvetica',sans-serif; 
   font-size: x-small;
   color: white;
.thead2 {
   background-color: #800000; 
   font-family: 'Verdana','Arial','Helvetica',sans-serif; 
   font-size: x-small;
   color: white;
.tbody { 
   text-align: center;
   background-color: #f7efde;
   font-family: 'Verdana','Arial','Helvetica',sans-serif; 
   font-size: x-small;

<h1>DataSpace Object and CreateObject Method Example (VBScript)</h1>

<H2>RDS API Code Examples</H2>
<H3>Using Query Method of RDSServer.DataFactory</H3>

<!-- RDS.DataSpace  ID rdsDS-->

<!-- RDS.DataControl with parameters set at run time -->
<OBJECT classid="clsid:BD96C556-65A3-11D0-983A-00C04FC29E33"

    <TD><SPAN DATAFLD="FirstName"></SPAN></TD>
    <TD><SPAN DATAFLD="LastName"></SPAN></TD>


<H4>Click Run -
The <i>CreateObject</i> Method of the RDS.DataSpace Object Creates an instance of the RDSServer.DataFactory.
The <i>Query</i> Method of the RDSServer.DataFactory is used to bring back a Recordset.</H4>

<Script Language="VBScript">

    Dim rdsDF
    Dim strServer
    Dim strCnxn
    Dim strSQL

    strServer = "https://<%=Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME")%>"
    strCnxn = "Provider='sqloledb';Data Source=" & _
            "<%=Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME")%>" & ";" & _
            "Integrated Security='SSPI';Initial Catalog='Northwind';"
    strSQL = "Select FirstName, LastName from Employees"

    Sub Run_OnClick()
       Dim rs      
        ' Create Data Factory
       Set rdsDF = rdsDS.CreateObject("RDSServer.DataFactory", strServer)
        'Get Recordset  
       Set rs = rdsDF.Query(strCnxn, strSQL)   
       ' Use  RDS.DataControl to bind Recordset to data-aware Table above
       RDS.SourceRecordset = rs

    End Sub

<!-- EndDataSpaceVBS -->

The following example shows how to use the CreateObject method to create an instance of a custom business object, VbBusObj.VbBusObjCls. It also uses the Active Server Pages scripting to identify the Web server name.

To see the complete example, open the sample applications selector. In the Client Tier column, select VBScript in Internet Explorer. In the Middle Tier column, select Custom Visual Basic Business Object.

Sub Window_OnLoad()
   strServer = "https://<%=Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME")%>"
   Set BO = ADS1.CreateObject("VbBusObj.VbBusObjCls", strServer)
   txtConnect.Value = "dsn=Pubs;uid=MyUserID;pwd=MyPassword;"
   txtGetRecordset.Value = "Select * From authors for Browse"
End Sub

See Also

CreateObject Method (RDS) | DataSpace Object (RDS)